"John's Life Space" features a variety of content to many audiences. The majority of content is meant to suit an audience 13 years of age and older. Some material offered in this blog may not be suitable for all audiences and may include some topics too sensitive or discomforting to discuss. All advice offered in this blog is not meant to replace or substitute practical help. If you require counseling or want more professional help, please consult your healthcare provider, a psychologist, or any other qualified individual.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Saving Money and Major Purchases

John B. Marine | June 06, 2024 | | | Be the first to comment!
Things cost money. When things cost a lot of money, you want to save up finances. Major purchases are an exercise in saving finances. How you handle the saving process depends on being able to make major purchases. So for this blog post, I discuss making major purchases. Hopefully this will be a discussion to your liking if this topic interests you.

Making Major Purchases: At a Glance

When something you need or want costs a lot of money, you will need enough finances to make a purchase happen. You need enough credit to acquire something anyways. Some items require more money for which to acquire. There is no one specific way to save up enough finances to buy anything. What may work for one person may not work for another.

I always try to be transparent and real regarding topics I feature in my blogs, so let me share that I am as much into major purchases as you are. For me, I have been trying to save up money lately to get myself a modern gaming console. The original plan was to get a Nintendo Switch. That plan changed to getting a used PlayStation 4. Now, I have considered saving up to get a PlayStation 5 [Disc Version]. The plan I have currently means I have to consider saving up more money to get what I want.

I have made enough strides to save money for things. I remembered saving up money towards buying a computer, a Chromebook, an MP3 player, a PlayStation 3, and a few other things. I have done things like get PayPal money and even doing paid blog posts. I have done nearly anything to try to make and save money.

Inspiration/Motivation to Save Money.

Let me share some of my motivations and inspirations regarding saving money.

A TV program I used to watch years ago (around 2012) about saving money was called "Deals" on the Live Well Network (now known as LOCALish). The host of this former show, host, Katishia Cosley, would offer up money-saving advice ranging from spending less on items to even making your own items to save money. Watching this show around 2012 or so was helpful in knowing what is possible for stretching dollars. ABC 13 here in Houston also had a segment on their afternoon news called just that- "Stretch Your Dollar" with former newscaster, Patricia Lopez. Nowadays with this topic, I watch "Sullivan's Smart Sense" with Heather Sullivan on FOX 26 here in Houston. Saving money can help towards making major purchases in case you are planning on making any major purchases. That is my own personal inspiration towards saving money and in making major purchases.

Now that I have discussed the individual nuances of saving money and my own situation, let's delve deeper into the matter of making major purchases and saving money.

Making Major Purchases

So you want to plan a big purchase some time soon or in the future? Good! Be mindful of a few things, though. Please consider the following...

Major Purchases: Needs and Wants.

If there is something you are looking to buy, is it a need or a want? When it comes to more expensive things, the importance of having it warrants saving up for them.

A need involves something necessary and essential to living. A major purchase as a need includes things like houses, rent, vehicles, some furniture, some electronics, certain services, enough for groceries, going to school/college/university, tuition, and things like that. Needs can also include saving for retirement, paying for insurance, disability benefits, credits for services, and more. Saving up for something essential is surely is serious regarding major purchases.

A want is something you'd like to have that is not essential towards living. These can be simple things like video game consoles, gaming computers, video games and computer games, some clothes, certain footwear, collectibles, and the like. Things non-essential to your living but like to have is a want. Starting a business can also be a want if you are looking for a long-team deal of staying financially stable or being able to provide for your family and others.

Depending on your situation, you will have to weigh your needs and wants. Some wants can be needs if something is very important to you. So even the most comical of things can be something you feel you must have. Maybe you do need something non-essential to help live better or open opportunities to new things. It all depends.

Considerations After Planning Making a Major Purchase.

What can be more important than a major purchase itself is in dealing with finances after the purchase. You may have bought something for about $340 USD, but have you thought about having money left over? I always consider the price of something, the sales tax for it, and then how much money I'd have left over. It would be a bad idea to try to buy something without having sufficient money remaining or any way to rebuild finances after a purchase. It would be an even worse idea if you are involved something that may involve periodic fees. You want to have enough money to handle certain other purchases.

The best thing to think about in this situation is to consider the price of something and add sales taxes (if applicable). Let us use the PlayStation 5 Disc Version example here for a moment. I also suggest you get a little math lesson out of this. Wal-Mart sells the PlayStation 5 for $499.99 USD. Sales tax here in Texas is usually 6.25% or up to 8.25%. Here is the math:

(price of item/service) x (sales tax) = total price

Multiply the price of the item by the sales tax to get the final price. You obviously want to round that total to the nearest hundredth. Then, make sure you have the money to pay for that thing. So in my example, a $499.99 USD PS5 Disc Version coupled with a sales tax of 8.25% here in Texas means you would need to save up $541.24 to buy it. What if you wanted to buy a game or two along with that? What if you wanted to get a gift card to use PlayStation Plus? That means you would have to add those things towards what you want to pay for. That means paying for what you want in addition to anything extra you want with the major purchase you have planned. So that means taking the price of the major purchase and adding on whatever else you want to get with it. That will more than likely equal a higher price tag than just the major purchase you plan to make.

If you do not have enough money to get certain things in addition to making a purchase, you will need to save more money and plan to buy something else later. If you have something that is a periodic payment, such as a subscription to a service or monthly fees, you also have to take that into consideration in having leftover money to handle some other expenses or to add to what you already have. Having no more money and no way to pay for any extra items or expenses can lead to some poor financial health. Think critically about planning any major purchases.

One more important thing to remember about major purchases is that life happens. "Life happens" is not only the motto of this blog, but it is the truth. Trying to save up money for some sort of major purchase can give some obstacles and challenges often times. For example, you may get injured or no longer be employed at a job. These things may require you to find other ways to make money or pay for other things outside of what you want to buy. It is therefore imperative to handle as many financial expenses as possible even while you are trying to buy something you really need or want.

Now it is time to discuss saving money. The next section discusses this matter.

Saving Money

The most important element of making a major purchase is to save money. How you go about saving money depends. Doing whatever it takes to save up money is the challenge.

Some people who barely make any money or are given money will try to save up their finances in hopes of making a major purchase. I hear stories of people who save up a little money and hopefully be able to start a business. Some major companies started out with having just a little money and then saving up to start businesses that ultimately become million-dollar and even billion-dollar companies. Saving up money is a huge part of this process.

If a parent or someone gives you money, this is something to definitely save up for. If you need to use any given money, make sure to use it sparingly. What you want to do is save enough money to make a sort of major purchase. Twitch streamers and YouTube video makers sometimes have streaming services that allow for donations. Some even use the likes of PayPal or Venmo to carry out financial tasks for their work. Regardless, taking advantage of such things is crucial towards saving.

What one certainly wants to do in the case of income and expenses is to make sure expenses do not exceed income. You don't want spending to go over the top.

Saving Tips.

Here are a few random tips of things I know regarding saving money.

• I used to have an account with a bank that charged monthly fees. If you want to save money, try going with a service that does not charge monthly fees. It may also help to have a debit card so you don't have to worry about paying off credit cards. One example of a company that does not charge monthly fees is Bluebird's debit card.

• If you are in a financial pinch and are subscribed to services, get out of subscription services. For example, you may choose to get out of a Netflix subscription just to save some extra money. Getting out of subscription services can help you save some extra money.

• You may also think about signing up for less expensive services or holding back on buying certain things. If you go to a grocery store offering cheaper prices on some of the same items, shop there to save some money.

• If you can make something yourself that costs less than buying from a store, you can try that as well. Some people who have farms or some animals could produce their own products to feed their families. Think about having chickens hatch eggs so you won't need to buy eggs at a grocery store, for example. Some people even meal prep so they will not have so much indecision on what to eat for a day or a week. This can save money especially if your creations are cheaper than something similar you would buy at a store or online.

• Take advantage of sales and discounts. Some things you need or want could be offered for discounted prices. You may be able to score some deals if what you want is sold for a cheaper price than its original price. So take advantage of these opportunities.

• Use coupons if you have any. Coupons will allow you to get certain things for cheap when you go to check out things at stores. For online sales, using certain discount codes work just like coupons. These online codes for online sales can allow you to get a discount like a coupon for goods online.

• Use gift cards or special cards if you have any. If you have a card that can be reloaded with money, be sure to add funds to that card so you will not have to pay so much for anything. Be warned some services may not accept certain cards. For example, I tried buying games on the popular PC game store GOG, and I was unable to purchase games because of my gift card. Be careful in these times.

If you tag some companies on social media with things you make or promote, companies may offer you things as a showing of respect. This can be good to get things without needing to save up money. These usually can come in the form of reviewing things from a company. You may even be compensated for your involvement.

• Want to not spend your own money on things? Have someone else pay for things! This could be great if someone gives you something that you want but have someone else pay for it. You could receive something as a gift. If you are a content creator, try to engage your audience into helping get tips and donations to help you finance something.

• Set up or get involved in crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is where many people join together and donate money towards being able to finance certain things. You may see donation goals for certain online streamers and content creators trying to finance something. For example, an online streamer may set a donation goal towards buying a new gaming system or a better PC or laptop. Even if you do not make your own money, it at least is helpful to have an active, paying crowd to help you with certain financial goals.

• You can sell a lot of things you are not using any more or simply want to get rid of. You can build up your finances and save money to help towards making a major purchase or simply having extra money on hand.

• If you have a method of passable income (such as blogging or selling goods), use those services and get the revenue to help in building your finances. All that has to happen now is saving that extra money up.

Of course, these are only a few suggestions towards saving money. You may be able to find other ways to save money for making purchases.

Saving Money and Major Purchases: Final Thoughts

Money is important to acquiring certain things. When you do have insufficient funds, the task is to save money. How you do so depends on your financial situation and whatever it is you are looking to purchase. What may seem like a want may be a legitimate need for some people. Everyone has different situations in terms of buying something. People may have to sacrifice certain things for which to save money, especially when planning buying something major.

Money is never abundant. We all know money does not grow on trees, so it isn't like you could pick money from trees as you would some fruits. It is best to save money when you can. If you are planning major purchases (or even simple ones), having enough money to cover costs goes a long way towards your personal happiness. You may want to speak with financial advisors or seek solutions from your bank or credit union if you want to make proper decisions regarding your money. Also remember that life can get in the way of making any planned major purchase. Be sure to handle and consider all expenses in addition to making a major purchase.

Make as many smart decisions to handle your finances before, during, and after planning a purchase of any scale. Surely have major purchases in mind, but make sure to be able to pay for all of the associated costs and expenses.

If you are planning any major purchases any time soon, I hope you will be able to save up enough money to help finance whatever it is you need or want. This post is over right now. Feel free to offer your own suggestions if you wish. Help me help others. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Discussing Your Mental Health Issues

John B. Marine | February 29, 2024 | | Be the first to comment!
Discussing your mental health issues with others is a touchy topic. It can be a good thing to share your mental health issues. Conversely, it also can seem like making excuses, and not many people will buy your claims. It is a conversation you must try to make when you can. Especially if there are individuals you care about and think can be better people, you want to be able to express your mental health issues and try to get a better understanding with others.

I always want to stress you are not a failure or a disappointment just because you have mental health issues that deter your well-being. While it can be painful to discuss any mental health issues you have, releasing is better than holding back. Bottling up your emotions can only make things worse. If in crisis, there may be a point where your mental health ends up taking over your daily functions and may take you over the edge. You could either find yourself in a mental health mess, or you may become violently angry and hostile to where you do something that may be unforgivable to loved ones.

Be understanding and mindful that such mental health issues are real by people who admit them. Try to work with others and not do and say things that can only make their situation worse. RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE! Most of all, honestly share your issues in a non-violent and sincere matter. Do not discuss such manners casually if you are truly impacted by some mental health issues. Most of all, do not belittle or take advantage of someone who may be suffering mentally. We all must do what we can to help make life better for everyone. This includes friends, family, and others.

I am always looking to make a difference for others. Hopefully this post helps. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Feeling Cursed

John B. Marine | February 18, 2024 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Feeling cursed makes you feel incapable of being happy or content. You may feel while cursed constantly tortured or be capable of little or no success. This can make living feel difficult. Being hopeless and depressed can result from feeling cursed. This is a casual post about feeling cursed.

When you feel cursed, you feel as if something anyone can easily do is a hassle or near impossible for you. You may also fear there will be that moment where you become broken down and humiliated. That moment may also make you fearful of even leaving your room or even your bed. It is something you may hear a lot among sports circles. It felt like a curse when decades passed from when the Boston Red Sox won the Championship in 2004 after last winning the World Series in 1918, and it also impacted the Chicago Cubs winning the Championship in 2016 after last winning it all in 1908. The thing to take from here is that failure and torture are never eternal.

Everyone is capable of great things; but when you feel cursed, you feel more likely to fail than do anything successful or noteworthy. For example, you may successfully prepare a delicious meal but still feel unable to be happy or satisfied. You may create a great work of art or compose a well-done song and still feel concerned. Feelings of being cursed can take over your life and make you feel less of yourself.

Sometimes, feeling cursed can stem from a host of bad experiences and missed opportunities. If you feel your failures impact you more than your successes, then feeling cursed makes you feel like you are only capable of wrong. You were meant to be amazing and do amazing things. When you feel cursed, the only things you feel you can do is amazingly fail. Any feelings of not being good enough or not being capable of greatness only make us not give full effort often times because the end result of failure is inevitable.

Do You Need Spiritual Guidance If You Feel Cursed?

Some people who feel cursed actually believe in evil spirits impacting their lives. Therefore, some spiritual help can help drive away demons and spirits who feel they are cursing others' souls.

Some Final Thoughts.

Do not ever feel you are not able to enjoy success. Not everyone gets it right or has the best of days constantly. Everyone is going to experience lulls and shortcomings. If you feel cursed, just remember not everything wrong with the world is your doing. Everyone has their demons. Not every demon is focused on you. All you can do is keep going and hope for the best in each moment of your life. Never give up on any opportunities or feel you are not able to accomplish certain things. Everyone who feel cursed will eventually break out of their curses. If you feel you need spiritual guidance to help you break being cursed, seek help from spiritual sources. Everyone is capable of greatness. Feeling cursed can limit your success, but do not let feeling cursed undermine your ability to do great things for yourself and others. Curses do not last forever. You will break free from being cursed with good fortune and luck. Just do not give up in your pursuit of greatness.

I often times do not like discussing tough topics because they sometimes make me feel depressed simply mentioning them. There is a reason for this, though. At least this shows I am mindful of things that impact our lives. Moreover, I care about providing solutions and advice. So hopefully this discussion was to your liking. I also hope I was able to help you any way I could. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Emergency Meal Kits

John B. Marine | January 18, 2024 | | Be the first to comment!
In case of disaster, can you feed yourself and your family? You may not have access to a microwave, toaster, air fryer, or even a stove in times of emergency. Meals in general and not fancy meals are more important in these times. It is therefore paramount to be able to have enough meals to feed you and your family after disaster. One such way to do so is with emergency food kits. That is the focal point of this blog post. I will share my thoughts on these emergency food kits in general.

About the Label: Crises

Blog posts under the label of "Crises" has to do with a number of different life issues involving disasters and critical situations. This includes, but not limited to: extreme weather, mass violence, natural disaster, etc.

About the Label: Survival

This category of blog post contains information on how to survive in the wake of certain disasters.

Emergency Food Kits

emergency meal kit
^ from: (Amazon) - For when you are unable to feed yourself and/or your family for an extended amount of time due to disaster, you may want to invest in an emergency meal kit.

Before I go any further, I want to hope no one has to go through a situation where you will struggle to feed yourself and/or your family. If you do experience a time where you have to rely on emergency food kits to feed yourself and others, I hope you will be able to feed yourselves properly.

An emergency food kit can be purchased in case you experience some sort of disaster. These disasters can range from being without power and electricity, floods, hurricanes, snowstorms and/or blizzards, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, terrorism, war, and things of that nature. Anything that prevents you from living comfortably and being fed qualifies as disasters which can require you to seek other ways of staying fed. You might even be poor and not able to buy groceries and may have to look to an emergency food kit to stay fed. No matter what, an emergency food kit can be of great help for when you are unable to feed yourself and/or your family due to some sort of external influences.

Starting circa 2019 or so, I saw an emergency food kit from a company called Augason Farms. There are a number of different companies that offer emergency food kits. Besides Augason Farms, there are other companies that make emergency food kits, such as Hoosier Hill Farm, 4Patriots, My Patriot Supply, ReadyWise, and Emergency Essentials among others. The point of emergency food kits is to provide quality meals that can be prepared when you do not have access to fancy cooking equipment. These are meals you can prepare as essential meals to feed you and/or your family. On the other hand, there are some emergency meal kits that offer different food and drink styles. For instance, I saw an emergency meal kit consisting of chocolate bars. Think of these kind of like military food rations for home use and civilian use. These emergency meal kits have a very long life. Most of these emergency food kits can last for up to 25 years (around 30 years if stored properly), so you won't need to consume them quickly to prevent the emergency food from spoiling.

Don't think about your favorite comfort foods with these meals because these are essential (and even healthy) portions meant to keep you fed in the case of emergency when you can't feed yourself properly. The purpose of emergency meal kits are to provide meals for you for survival and not necessarily your favorite snacks or comfort foods. Emergency meal kits can include things such as mashed potatoes, noodles, macaroni and cheese, oatmeal, rice, soups, and a lot more depending on the package.

Emergency food kits come in a variety of denominations meant to feed you and/or your family for a certain amount of time. Such packs of food consist of prepared foods that can be easily prepared to suit any length of time. Some of these kits can provide food for you to use for one day, and some emergency meal kits can feed you and your family for even four weeks to a full month and even longer.

Should You Invest in Emergency Food Kits?

For one thing, emergency food packs are not meant to be your entire meals for the day. They were meant for if you are unable to go to the store to buy food after something like a power outage or flooding. Emergency food kits can be a great investment for when you will be out of electricity and/or running water for quite some time.

Prices for these kits depend on how long the pack is meant to service you. In my research of this topic, I saw one retailer sell an emergency food kit for one day sell for about $30 USD. An emergency meal kit meant to last for three days sold for almost $70 USD. As a final example, a one-month supply of an emergency food kit sold for $279 USD. I also found one company offered a full year's worth emergency food kit for an estimated $1,960 USD in my research of this topic. So you have a full range price-wise and package-wise for the emergency food kits you wish to buy. You can purchase an emergency food kit at most grocery stores and many retailers. Home improvement stores also offer these kits.

It helps to buy an emergency food kit to suit the needs of you and your family. You may not know when you might need having an emergency meal kit for feeding after disaster or other circumstances, but it is nice to know you can be fed in the wake of such times with an emergency food kit.

For More Information...

I mentioned a number of companies that offer emergency food kits. You can visit these sites to learn more about the emergency food kits offered by retailers and even by companies themselves. Click on any that interest you. (NOTE: Check the Affiliate Disclosure section for more information about posted links on this site.)

For retailers:
Amazon, Emergency Meal Kit
eBay, Emergency Meal Kit
Wal-Mart/Walmart, Emergency Meal Kit
Target, Emergency Meal Kit

For brands themselves:
Augason Farms
Emergency Essentials

Thank you for helping support me and my work!

Once again, I hope you do not have to experience a situation like this; but if you do, at least you know what you can do or invest in to feed yourself and your family with these emergency meal kits. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Monday, December 18, 2023

Rejection Because of Kindness?

John B. Marine | December 18, 2023 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Speaking kindly about someone usually should be complimentary. Especially from the heart, it should be uplifting to express kindness. You are trying to show love and respect; not flirting or anything like that. Recently, I endured a situation that I had some pain trying to process in my mind. I will use this space to express something that I still feel horrible about that I felt was not my fault at all. As per usual, I am hoping my experiences will help other people relate and find ways to cope with certain situations. Let's talk!

Rejection Because of Kindness?

Allow me to set the story up.

I often times like to randomly show my appreciation for people by posting kind messages to others. I don't need a special situation or day to do so. I am someone who appreciates people being in your life and those who help you feel happy and maybe mean something to your life.

Last week, I endured what I considered a bad week on Twitch. I am admittedly a chatty person because I want to feel connected to what I love. I do not want to feel like I am just another soul, though technically, I am just another soul. I was banned from Chat on two different channels. One was from discussing something that I felt was not wrong in any such way, the other was from maybe expressing some kind words. The latter situation is what I will be discussing.

The channel's Chat I was banned from is from an up-and-coming DJ and producer whom I've supported by visiting Chat and even buying some songs from this personality online. I've been supportive and enjoyed my time Chatting with others along with the musician. Sometimes, I felt like I am left out or sometimes ignored. I felt connected, but not really connected to that community. I even made some complimentary and appreciative comments on Discord. I felt this showing of kindness, while not flirting or anything of that nature, probably led to me being banned from Chat on that channel. Afterwards, I immediately unfollowed that Channel and all or most social media connections from the musician.

I offered kind and supportive words, and somehow it's taken as something offensive enough to get banned from Chat on someone's Twitch channel? I did not use any sort of inflammatory words or try to flirt with the person. I simply said things along the lines of (not the exact quote), "thank you for your wonderful streams this year. I'm glad to have followed your channel this year and even buy your music online." What happened after? I get banned from Chat on that channel, possibly from kind words I offered elsewhere.

Being the depressed soul, I felt like I did wrong when I felt I was doing right. I even went to bed a bit earlier that night once I learned of showing respect ended up getting you rejected instead of respect. I felt this was another setback and also committing another mistake. Or at least, I committed something that regarded like a mistake rather than trying to be kind.

If you felt this sounds foul, let's discuss this further.

Rejection Because of Kindness? A Further Breakdown

I feel the world has too much negativity. I also feel not much love and respect is genuine. There are those who simply want to be kind to certain individuals for the sake of being kind or because of trying to boost one's "cool appeal." I do not think that way. If there is someone whom I feel is a great person, I let that person know. Depending on how great, I express my own happiness for how much that person means to me and that person's work.

No person in one's own correct mind would ever tell a loved one or someone the person loves to (for example) "go die in a hole," right? You wouldn't wish a loved one to get involved in a dangerous incident or get sick from a potentially fatal disease, would you? Of course not. But at the same time, you do want to say things to others to show your appreciation for them. If one person is hoping to get a job after an interview, you want to hope that person gets the job. You allow your heart to be open and express your support. Yes- words can be as powerful as actions, though actions are often stronger than words. Yet still, words still hold a lot of power.

The only situation(s) where I feel kindness can lead to rejection is if someone is only saying kind things and doing kind things only to be kind. You know- not being sincere about offering support. It may also be possible if someone may intentionally say something things taken as backhanded compliments. However, if you are someone who constantly says kind things to someone and the recipient sees it either as being fake or always being nice, it leads to rejection to those who you feel connected with. It shouldn't be this way! Sadly, though, it can be taken in a negative context.

Explaining Ways.

I have been a person who has had episodes of depression. I had people who I thought were friends feel like they betrayed me. I may even meet people whom I thought were friends, until they either show their true colors to me or direct me to some discussion either illegal or some scam. I feel like I did nothing wrong, yet still I no longer am friends with someone or no longer supportive of me. So because of this, I cherish and admire those whom I feel haven't betrayed me or appreciate what I do for others. There have been people I've encountered who have helped me through some tough times and even served as people I could talk to about my problems. I appreciate those whom have helped me along the way as well as those who help me feel better about myself in life and in general.

Therefore, I feel the need to express my appreciation and respect for others. Do I HAVE to express kindness on a personal level? No. Do I WANT to express kindness on a personal level? Yes. If I feel someone is a great person, I want to express that level of love and respect to that person. I want to show I am real and have been positively influenced. Using the musician as an example, I always have been supportive even to point to buying that musician's music. Maybe if I was traveling, I would even want to go to live shows for that musician. However, to be so kind and supportive to the point of financial support leading to being rejected by that entity, I almost felt like I have wasted my life trying to be kind and supportive.

Showing Respect in a Community Analogy.

The analogy I like to give regarding respect is with restaurants. If you love dining at a major fast food chain, you are just another figure who loves the company, and not many people among that fast food chain would really care about you. This is even though you do matter to that fast food chain's success. However, if you love dining from some small family's kitchen or a small business restaurant, you are like family. It is the reason why I sometimes avoid more popular platforms because it is like getting lost in a big rock concert. As much as you say and personally mean "I love you" or "you're the best," you're drowned out among other people who feel the same way. I don't want to be ignored or seen as something less of a supporter.

Can You Be Respectful Without Being Hateful?

I do understand it is unrealistic to always support someone and always agree with something. Though, nobody wants to be an out-and-out hater. You can always respectfully disagree with things. If being rejected for always being kind, you can always offer constructive criticism and respectful disagreement on things without getting on the hateful side of someone. Remember you are not telling someone you love and respect anything negative. What you want to do is show your support in your own way. The hope is that it is accepted and appreciated. Sometimes, though, it may get misinterpreted or make you feel like a superficial friend or fan of that individual or those individuals. If you get rejected, you feel your respect is going for nothing; and as a result, you want to disassociate yourself as much as possible from whom you originally thought was someone that you truly loved and respected. You end up feeling less of a person because you felt you were doing wrong when all you were trying to do was be kind to people.

Pretty betraying material in this blog post, isn't it? Well, I'll offer some final thoughts next.

Rejection Because of Kindness? Final Thoughts

Do not stop being kind. Do not stop voicing your overall love, respect, and appreciation for others. Support those you love as best as you can and as much as you can. If you try to offer your respect to those you feel are warranting of it, you have done nothing wrong. You have only done wrong when you are either insincere, offer it as a backhanded compliment, or if it is taken in the wrong context. Love and appreciation should be commended, not lead to rejection by the party(-ies) at large. Sadly, some people dislike compliments or don't appreciate being complimented. So you do have to be careful if you like offering your appreciation of others. Again, though- do not stop expressing kindness to those who you feel have made a positive impact on your life.

This has been both a helpful post and a mini-rant. Regardless, I am glad you found some special value in this post. Here is my discussion question to you if you wish to discuss:

Even if not everyone takes compliments easily, should you still prefer your appreciation to others? Also, should showing appreciation for others be warranting of rejection by some individuals?

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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Not Your Day

John B. Marine | October 31, 2023 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Many days of the year we look forward to and enjoy. Some others, though, not so much. Everyone has certain days of the week or in the year that they fear or have bad memories of. Saying that today is Halloween, this is my day I've feared most. A day that doesn't seem so lucky means you are on heightened alert for trying not to do something that makes you feel horrible inside. Even some simple mistakes can have you feeling horrible.

Always remember each day does not go as planned, and not every day is a good one. It is natural to have good and bad days. What becomes concerning is when a certain day or certain time of year is associated with you having some of your worst memories. My Halloween memories have been bad for me, ranging from being suspended for fighting to having my last day at a university when I was hoping to work towards my previous major of computer animation.

If you are not having a good day, one thing to be happy about is that you are still living, and you did all you could to live a certain day. Things could be much worse than what you experienced or done in a certain day. A bad day should just come and go. Move on to the next day, because tomorrow is a new day. Each upcoming moment should be times for you to try to have better times than what you experienced the previous day.

When it comes to a certain day of the year or days of the year where you begin to cringe, don't look at those days as opportunities to fail. Instead, treat them like you can have a better time on that specific day than you've experienced in the past. For example, you may fear April Fool's Day (which I think should be banned, but that's another story), but the next April Fool's Day could possibly go great for you instead of adding to a certain day being a nightmare for you. All you got to do is just live life as best as you can. It will not be easy, but it is better than cowering in fear or feeling like the heavens do not like you on that day.

That's it for another post of "John's Life Space." This is a blog where I am real and transparent discussing various life issues. I am here to discuss life issues with you all and offer help where I can. If you appreciate this effort, please Subscribe/Follow this blog and my others in some capacity. If you enjoy my work, please Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work and want to support me any way you can. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hate Crimes

John B. Marine | July 26, 2023 | Be the first to comment!
WARNING: The following topic may not be suitable for all audiences. Due to the subject matter of this topic, viewer discretion is advised. Parents of younger children will need to restrict or limit younger viewers from viewing this material. Otherwise, you are reading this material at your own risk.

EVERYTHING about you is subject to praise or protest. Your age, ethnicity, nationality, culture, religion, political preference, sexual orientation, and other preferences make up your identity. They also can make you a victim of being martyred. A hate crime is exactly what it sounds like- a crime committed by someone based on injuring or killing people based on certain preferences. In this blog post, I will discuss this difficult and disturbing topic.

Hate Crimes

A hate crime is an act of violence committed against individuals of certain specific identities and categories. There have been acts of violence involving mass murder for whatever reason. Some people who commit these acts may be gang members, extremists, terrorists, and more. Such people who commit such hate crimes either pick certain occasions, certain locations, or certain random times to strike oblivious and unaware individuals. The most disturbing thought is that anyone and everyone are targets of someone cruel enough to want to commit a hate crime.

Let us look at some hate crime violence. There have been events such as the gay nightclub mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, USA where over 45 people were killed. There was the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, USA whereas mostly Black people were shot and killed at a grocery store in a Black community. There was a mass shooting in the greater Atlanta, Georgia, USA area where the assailant killed about eight people by targeting certain spas, where most of the victims were Asians. So these incidents can happen at any time, anywhere. The motive(s) behind such actions can be as despicable as the violence itself.

The biggest factor to note about hate crimes is that they are not your fault. Unless you specifically did something to provoke a specific assailant, you did nothing wrong. You are just being yourself. Someone who just has a certain disdain of people of certain categories just decides to inflict violence at some moment in some specific location. Most of these assailants do not even care who specifically they attack- they just want to make a statement or feel like they are carrying out a certain task at the expense of innocent lives.

Living With Hate Crimes?

Society within the past 25 or so years has slowly declined to where people deem it is necessary or substantiated to kill multiple people. It seemed horrific when the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 happened. Much more incidents of mass murder would happen across America and even around the world since. You can't even enjoy entertainment gatherings without wondering if you will be safe- such as the 2017 mass shooting in the greater Las Vegas, Nevada, USA area.

Surreal as it may sound, mass murder and hate crimes have been intertwined into our lives. The majority of this post has regarded hate crimes. Simply being yourself and celebrating who you are can make you a target for anyone who wishes to commit a hate crime. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Despite all of this, you could be among the victim(s) of a future hate crime. This is basically something all of us will have to live with unless some sort of serious regulation suppresses these hate crimes. It is impossible to completely eradicate even the notion of hate crimes, but a lot can be done to where we can prevent such hate crimes from happening.

How to Protect Yourself.

What if you are in the face of potential danger of a hate crime? You may alert authorities if you feel someone is suspicious of committing a hate crime or some other sort of mass murder or terrorism. You may learn self-defense with or without weapons. This is helpful if you feel you are the target of a suspicious individual. Live your life normally, but remain alert and vigilant.

Now for some Final Thoughts on this difficult matter.

Hate Crimes: Final Thoughts

Regardless of who you are as a person and for what you believe in, these factors will leave you to ridicule and judgment from everyone. Many of these things you can not change can fuel an assailant's desire to commit hate crimes against others. Celebrate who you are and what you believe in; just remember some other people can be entirely jealous of you and/or what you believe in. It is perfectly fine to disagree with peoples' views, but it is NEVER acceptable to inflict violence because of who others are and/or what others believe in. Perpetrators of hate crimes face some sort of fear that they have to specifically target certain figures to defeat someone or something they do not believe in. The rash of mass murder and hate crimes in today's social landscape make living seem impossible. All we can do, though, is live our own lives while also remaining vigilant and alert to any impending danger about someone plotting to commit some sort of hate crime or domestic terrorism. Hate crimes can not be eradicated entirely, but what we can do is limit any any all threats to the greater public-at-large.

A Bonus Final Thought.

"If you see something, say something." If you fear someone may be plotting to commit some sort of hate crime or any other mass murder, be sure to alert authorities. It is possible you can foil a potential plot for disaster based entirely on your vigilance.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Celebrate Responsibly

John B. Marine | July 18, 2023 | Be the first to comment!
This past Independence Day saw a lot of injuries and deaths due to various celebrations. The most common culprit is often celebratory gunfire. Firing off gunshots in celebration could lead to disposed bullets hitting someone or something. Not being safe using things like fireworks or sparklers can also be dangerous. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to celebrate certain occasions. If you are going to do so, though, consider your life and the lives of others as you celebrate. Any kind of celebration is meant to be just that- celebration, happiness, and jubilation. You don't want what should be a joyous time to end up being a somber time. So please be sure to celebrate responsibly when you can.

The impacts of celebrating can be further enhanced if smoking or drinking is involved. Impaired judgment can be just as damaging in regards to celebrating. You certainly want to be careful if you are drinking and/or smoking prior to or during celebrating. Any number of things can happen as you are high or drunk. If you are too drunk to where you can't drive home safely, have someone else [who isn't drunk or high] drive home.

Let me get back to fireworks and sparklers for a moment. If you are in a place where fireworks are disallowed, PLEASE don't use them in such locations. There is a chance you could start a fire or get someone hurt. People will still pop off fireworks in places and times where they are disallowed. You can't pardon the foolishness of such individuals, so make sure to take things carefully.

Having said all of this, I'd like to offer my condolences to those who may have been injured or killed celebrating anything recently. Just be careful and mindful as you celebrate. You may also elect to do the simplest things in this situation- either celebrate privately or don't celebrate at all.

This was just a simple blog post regarding celebrating responsibly. Usually, I do more detailed blog posts on topics. This one was more casual but still informative. If you enjoy my work, please Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work and want to support me any way you can. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Suspicious Profiles

John B. Marine | June 27, 2023 | | Be the first to comment!
"(Name) has sent you a new friend request."

"(Name) followed you."

It is always great to meet new people on social media. Well, most of the time. Someone may seem completely innocent until this suspected "friend" may troll you or link you to something shady. Someone who may seem completely innocent may simply be a bunch of sexy pictures that probably isn't even that exact person. If you are trying to meet new people or gain new fans/followers, you have to be careful who you encounter. So this blog post discusses one of the pitfalls of social media- dealing with spam profiles. Let's get into it!


Some of what I am about to discuss pertains to personal experiences of mine and intimate thoughts regarding meeting such suspicious profiles. While I may not cite specific individuals, I will make mention to certain individuals I've encountered.

Suspicious Profiles

I created this blog post almost as a chance to vent from a rash of fake profiles I have dealt with for months on end.

Social media is all about connecting with individuals close and far through cyberspace. While I have had the pleasure of meeting many people the world over through social media, I also had to deal with my fair share of fake profiles and spammers. It can be tough to fully trust some people sometimes. You may be fortunate enough to meet some complete stranger who actually does enjoy your work and does not just follow your profile(s) for the sake of following your profile(s). If that describes you, be happy! On the other hand, you may encounter someone who does mostly want to latch onto you and innundate you with spam or provide a number of shady links. If this describes you, be concerned.

A lot of social media allows you to control who you meet and who you can connect to. You do not have to accept just anyone if that is what is happening with you online. I will be discussing a few matters on certain social media platforms now. I will not mention every one, but I will make mention to some of the more popular ones.

Suspicious Profiles: Facebook.

Facebook has risen to become the biggest social media giant online. Previously, it was Myspace who was king. You now can access Myspace... through your Facebook account! Facebook has mostly been different in being more personal whom you meet and whom you connect with. While I do like to meet old friends on Facebook, some either don't remember me too well or want nothing to do with me anymore. It is a sad thing to admit, but it happens. I do feel that some people I thought would be lifelong friends and supporters ultimately want nothing to do with me anymore for whatever reason. I also may not feel I am truly a friend of someone. In some of these cases, I feel Facebook has rather DESTROYED some of my friendships rather than maintain them.

On the front of managing a Facebook Fan Page (here is mine: John Marine and JohnMarineDesigns), I am aware I may not have as much fan support as I would like. One thing I always like to say, though, is that I would rather have 50 loyal Facebook fans than 500 fake Facebook fans. I believe in being real and connecting with those who actually care. That even comes down to my fans of my Facebook fan page. I don't ever try to buy success or buy popularity.

Facebook can be a breeding ground for scammers. In my experiences, I may receive replies to Fan Pages along the lines of simply "hello" to "you seem like a great person, can you please request me?". This all sounds good on the surface. Everyone who I get requests from are those who I actually check to be genuine. A lot of the profiles I check mostly have maybe one or two pictures of normal to suspicious nature followed by maybe some quirky quote. Some profiles mostly are living advertisements to some suspicious adult-only website or some other kind of shady website. I make attempts to try to connect with most of my social media friends and family on a regular basis.

The reality of some of these people I have encountered on Facebook wait for a certain opportunity to connect with you and then hit you with shady material. Like, some people will pick a moment to connect with you and then make you fall for whatever scheme they have set up. One person I encountered basically feigned having some real ailment and tried to link me to some shady website. I IMMEDIATELY blocked (and maybe reported) this person. One other person who I thought was genuine years ago mostly wanted me to Become a Fan of (nowadays "Like") certain fan pages of suspicious pages. I felt this other person was suspicious, and I ultimately decided to drop this other person from my friends list. There were a few people who I added because I thought they were genuine... until I saw they had a bunch of profile pictures that are NOT of that person. For example, someone pretending to be someone else with genuine pictures, but then have a bunch of fake pictures for filler. As with other phonies, I blocked that profile and unfriended.

---Dealing with Suspicious Facebook Profiles---
What I ultimately did was limit any further friend requests to those I am already friends with. This is a measure that is good for cutting down on suspicious profiles on Facebook. It means only friends of friends can request you to be friends of yours. It does not guarantee friends of friends will all be genuine, but at least you will no longer get the random friend request of some suspicious individual. If you simply do not want to meet anyone new on Facebook, simply disallow any and all future friend requests.

I take an extra measure by looking at profiles that Follow my main profile. If I see a certain individual is Following my feed but not friends with me, I check to make sure a certain profile isn't suspicious in any such way. Someone who doesn't seem genuine a person I block- even if I don't have that person as a friend. You can allow or disallow people to follow your Facebook feed. Such people may not be your Facebook friends if they just Follow you, but at least you won't have to worry about getting scammed at some random moment from someone who you feel is genuine when you encountered that person on Facebook.

What about those Fan Pages where I get random people pretending to love my commentary? I report Spam. Afterwards, I have my tag removed from those comments, block that individual, and then hide any other comments from that person. You have to disallow suspicious material as best as you can.

Suspicious Profiles: Twitter.

Twitter can be a hot mess. It can sometimes be the most negative and toxic social media platforms online; and if you're not careful, you can be drawn into this downward spiral of a social media platform. It has been a place where I have encountered the most traffic from negative-minded individuals and also being followed by shady individuals. It also is a platform where people share news of people dying that haven't officially died (i.e., "RIP (somebody who hasn't actually died). It can be brutal on Twitter.

People can say whatever they want about Twitter of late being bought by a certain very rich person, but my real complaint has been in trying to defeat suspicious profiles. What am I talking about? I am talking about when you get mostly spam follows from what appears to be sexy women. They'll either link to their Only Fans (or some other adult website) or have absolutely nothing on their page but a lot of Followers and some picture.

---Dealing with Suspicious Twitter Profiles---
It used to be that you could report any sort of spam profile. Now, reporting is only done with more serious violations or conditions on the service. So all you can do with suspicious profiles is block them. It is a solution, but not a permanent solution. That (sadly) means you will have to continually block any and every suspicious Twitter profile so that person can keep making spam profiles and constantly annoying you.

Someone who may be friends with you may have their accounts hacked and deliver some spam E-Mails or spam messages. If someone you Follow has been hacked, don't fall for their hacked messages. It may also help to delete certain message discussions from someone hacked.

Suspicious Profiles: Instagram.

I surely have no regrets leaving Instagram. I had one too many bad experiences to where I felt the best thing I could do is leave. Sure, I lost my biggest outlet of sharing pictures, but at least I don't have to deal with some of the toxicity of comments as well as times where I got locked out of my account there. I thought about returning to Instagram as a business profile, but I still am away from Instagram and proud of it. Never again.

---Dealing with Suspicious Instagram Profiles---
What if you are dealing with supicious profiles on Instagram? Simply block whomever you find suspicious. Report anyone who is harassing you.

Suspicous Profiles: YouTube.

YouTube is the premier medium for sharing videos. In the past, I have had my fair share of haters and trolls on YouTube. Most of the spam and hate have been cleaned up.

---Dealing with Suspicious YouTube Profiles---
Should you see suspicious channels, block or report them. If you get certain suspicious channels in your Recommended videos, click on the three dots and select "Don't Recommend Channel."

Suspicious Profiles: TikTok.

I personally can not tolerate TikTok. However, I am on there to view various TikToks. A lot of people do find a good laugh out of short videos complimented with either lip syncing or some dancing or acting. Spam profiles may follow your work either sending you spam TikToks or are profiles laden with spam content.

---Dealing with Suspicious TikTok Profiles---
Report any suspicious profiles offering spam TikToks. Block any suspicious profiles as well.

Suspicious Profiles: Certain Services.

Examples of this section relate to certain services that are not social media platforms but certain services. Examples of this include: blog comments, media services, online marketplaces, etc. You may, for example, pick up a spam comment in your blog from a spam profile. You may get some Follow from a suspicious follower on a media-sharing website claiming to be a legitimate person who could try to promote your music.

---Dealing with Suspicious Non-Social Media Profiles---
Whatever resources there are to block and/or report suspicious individuals, use those resources to help protect yourself and your work. If there are individuals wanting to work with you to promote your content, be careful who you trust. Someone who may be genuine may be trying to cash in on your success or scam you. So make sure you can trust some people who come around to interact with your work.

A few final thoughts are coming up.

Suspicious Profiles: Final Thoughts

Social media can be a great way to meet new people and connect with those you know. Social media also, however, be an exercise in patience dealing with suspicious profiles. The best thing you can do is shun off people online who are suspicious in nature. Any combination of blocking and/or reporting fake profiles will go a long way in making the social media experience a happy one for you and others.

Social media may have a bunch of fake profiles, but there are actual genuine people who are worth connecting with. Do not entirely give up on meeting others and connecting with others if it is a goal of yours. You can still promote your work to others while also try to meet new people. Just make sure you know who are dealing with and always be vigilant.

I hope all of you on social media will be able to deal with these people as best as possible online. If you enjoy my work, please Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work and want to support me any way you can. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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