"John's Life Space" features a variety of content to many audiences. The majority of content is meant to suit an audience 13 years of age and older. Some material offered in this blog may not be suitable for all audiences and may include some topics too sensitive or discomforting to discuss. All advice offered in this blog is not meant to replace or substitute practical help. If you require counseling or want more professional help, please consult your healthcare provider, a psychologist, or any other qualified individual.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Don't Let Your Failures Define You!

John B. Marine | December 26, 2017 | | | |
Don't let failure define you! While we all will fail at some point for whatever reason(s), we shouldn't let failures define us. If we let failure define us, then that is all we will be to others- failures. Disappointments. People who experience and have to live with being considered a failure are often perceived to fail in critical moments. Failure is not entirely a bad thing. In fact, making mistakes is a part of life. You learn to screw things up before ultimately getting better, granted you work to get over your mistakes. You only become successful when you learn from mistakes and work to limit such mistakes.

While some people are defined by their failures, the magnitude of failure(s) determine who are we to others. Some of us are failures to others because we made simple mistakes most people in their right mind wouldn't commit. Some others are failures for doing despicable and unforgivable acts (like murder or rape). Many people are defined for their successes and their good qualities, but it can sometimes be the failures and negatives that offer more concrete impressions about ourselves in the eyes of others. Those negatives could make some of us be thought of in a light different than how we want to be perceived. Some negatives can make role models and heroes seem like absolute fakes.

Regardless, you still can't let yourself be defined by your failures. Use failure as a means of making yourself a better person. We learn from our mistakes and make these opportunities to make ourselves better for the future. Maybe you should do the same if you let certain failures define you. Good luck in trying to make yourself better. And remember- you are NOT a failure. You can always be better even in your worst moments and in your darkest times. Do NOT let failure define you!

Here is a picture quote that may motivate you if you are facing these issues...

define failure
^ from: (Pinterest) - Do not let failure define you!

Extra Reading.

One website I came across in researching this topic offers some great advice to help you realize that your failures do not define you. Visit here if you are interested: Margie Warrell | Your Failures Don't Define You.

I hope you found this post useful. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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