"John's Life Space" features a variety of content to many audiences. The majority of content is meant to suit an audience 13 years of age and older. Some material offered in this blog may not be suitable for all audiences and may include some topics too sensitive or discomforting to discuss. All advice offered in this blog is not meant to replace or substitute practical help. If you require counseling or want more professional help, please consult your healthcare provider, a psychologist, or any other qualified individual.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Time to Move On

John B. Marine | April 13, 2020 | | |
We all meet people whom who love to be around. Moments both good and bad materialize from your connection with others. Some of those bad times may lead you into some slumping times. In those times, you feel you must move on. When do you feel that moving on is the best way to feel better? I will try to discuss this matter in this blog post.

Time to Move On

Being in the company of others makes you feel happy and welcomed. I have been part of many communities in person and in cyberspace. I have known many people of various nationalities, ethnicity, and religions. At times, I even tried to adjust my behavior to better fit in with others. As much as I try to be part of other peoples' lives, I sometimes realize I can not please everyone. I may also feel as if my own standards don't entirely meet others. So I end up feeling unwanted and unloved. This is the start of feeling as if you must move on to try to feel better.

There have been a number of things I've tried to disconnect myself from in trying to move on from places where I used to feel like I was still a part of certain communities. I recently Unfollowed a Twitch channel I used to feel like I was a part of. It was with a lot of thought that I decided any sort of novelty has worn off. Because of this, I felt the best thing I could do was simply no longer join or follow a certain Twitch channel. Long before this recent incident, I had uninstalled and stop using Discord. This came from certain personal issues as well as (you guessed it) being part of a community I thought I was cool with. I was reserved about it, but I felt like I didn't belong in one community I was eventually permanently banned from. I also didn't use Discord too much to actually say I missed using it. These were not moments I was proud of. With that said, however, I felt my inability to actively stay involved with communities has led me to want to move on from communities where I felt unloved and no longer wanted.

As Leona Lewis once sang, "'s gonna hurt, but it heals to." One does not want to break himself/herself away from others, but if you don't feel like you belong to a community or someone's life anymore, the best thing you can do is to simply move on. Enjoy the good times you've shared but move on to try to better your life. Do I still feel hurt even when I decide to no longer involve myself with certain communities? Absolutely. At the same time, however, I don't like being around people to where I feel I have no impact or can not try to be a part of any community. In no way do I consider myself anti-social. What I do have a problem with is in feeling my standards aren't good enough to be part of people who [I thought] I felt cool with. If I no longer feel welcome in communities or with people who I thought I was cool with, I can take my business elsewhere and look for other people to be around. I also at times try not to forget good people (or whom I perceive as good people) when I move on from others. I do wish things could have gone much better; but if I feel I can do better, I can and will decide to take my personality elsewhere.

Sometimes, the decision to move on comes from evaluating how I've felt lately being with certain communities and with certain people. I would come in and praise certain Twitch streamers, but I would then feel like I am disregarded or disrespected. There may be other times where I have been treated fairly... except I feel I am not as welcomed or am part of a community that just makes me feel bitter inside. Those are times when I decide to exclude myself from a community I thought I was a good part of.

Who or What Do We Want to Move On From?

Almost anyone or any community is eligible for wanting to move on from. To some individuals, certain peers, office workers, even family members are the ones people want to move on from when things are going foul. Peers can be one of the most common types you want to try to distance yourself from if you feel you do not belong anymore with certain people. Family members can be tougher to want to move on from. After all, family is very personal. So literally anyone is fair game for wanting to move on from.

When Should You Move On From Others?

If you are part of a community or are around someone who you think you can no longer connect with, it is then time to move on. You are better served meeting and being with people who help extend good times and good vibes rather than feeling insignificant and replaceable. Unless you have done things you know you can improve on, you are better served being in environments where you are welcomed and treated respectfully. You will not be told when to leave someone or others- you must decide for yourself when to break off ties with other people and move on from them. Certain factors and conditions will present themselves for you to want to either isolate yourself from certain people or when to completely let people go.

What to Do After Moving On From Others.

Once you make the decision to break apart ties with certain people, then begins the healing process. The first few hours and days will be tough because you will be remembering what all you had when things were going well. You even remember when times were better for you and certain people. Those memories will still be within you, but you realize you need to move on and try to maybe find more people to associate yourself with.

If you can, you may even want to express WHY you decided to move on from other people, especially if the ones in question are attentive and understanding. Just respectfully tell someone why you chose to move on if it is possible certain individuals are attentive enough. This at least shows the heart you have and why you chose to do move on. Most of the time, people who no longer like you or you no longer like could not care about you leaving them behind. At least it is good to know there is respect for wanting to move on if you have a chance to express why you chose to want to move on from others.

I will make some final thoughts on this topic now.

Time to Move On: Final Thoughts

Being involved with specific people and specific communities help establish social connections and make you feel loved and respected. Though there are times where we feel we need to move on from such communities, especially when we feel disrespected and no longer welcomed. People in your live will come and go. You are not eternally tied to certain individuals. If you feel disrespected and want to move on from certain communities you once felt you were a fixture of, you will need to move on and try to find people you feel happier with. Nobody will tell you to move on. This is something that comes with personal thought and with proper evaluation. The initial sting after leaving someone or a community will be of remembering the times you had when things went well. What you need to do is realize you are not going to make the best decisions or do the best things. Some things just don't work out the way you want them to. Some people just don't fully understand your motives if you felt you done a community wrong. It is human nature.

Unless there are things you can change, just realize that as much as you can be a fixture of someone or a community, you are equally as much a possibility of being unwanted and unloved by that same person or that same community. So make sure to connect with people who make you happy and where you feel welcomed and respected. Leave behind those who you feel you can not connect with or no longer connect with. We all deserve to meet and love people who share like interests and feel happiest with. However, if there is a person or community ends up making you feel like you no longer want to associate yourself with someone, it is best to move on and get your life straight. Moving on from others can a classic case of "addition by subtraction." But again- it is up to you to decide when to move on from others based on evaluation and thought.

I hope you found something useful regarding the advice in this topic. "John's Life Space" is all about various life issues and offering my own advice to help others live better. I want to help my visitors and readers feel better about themselves and living life. I may not always succeed, but I do what I can to offer something different from the usual negative energy cyberspace can provide. I am glad you can find my blog here. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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