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Monday, April 13, 2020

Introverts and Extroverts

John B. Marine | April 13, 2020 | | | |
I never understood the difference between introverts and extroverts. Upon recent events in my life, I began to evaluate the two sides. This blog post is a discussion about being introverted and extroverted respectfully. I want to share with you the difference between the two as I know them to be. Perhaps you can determine whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, and also to find out which you consider yourself as. So allow me to welcome you to another "John's Life Space" blog post.

Introverts and Extroverts

Please remember- I am NOT an expert at this topic. I am only commenting based on what I know about this topic.

Whether or not someone is an introvert or an extrovert depends on how someone interacts with the world around them. An introvert is usually more reserved and private, and an extrovert usually is more alive and outgoing. How people handle certain aspects of life and certain situations can determine the difference of being either an introvert or an extrovert. As if you can't tell by the prefixes of "introvert" and "extrovert," you will note what the word means based on the "in-" and "ex-" prefixes. To understand these concepts further, we must look to the root words- introversion and extroversion. Here are some *official* definitions of each word:

Introversion Definition:
"(noun): the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life"

-(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Extroversion Definition:
"(noun): the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self"

-(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

So when you consider these two definitions, you can get a general understanding of what it means to be either an introvert or an extrovert. Not every introvert/extrovert is the same or 100% complete the general definition of either. It is much the same way that no two people exactly fit any sort of social category. It is much the same way how you have males who wear pink or females who take part in activities like contact sports or construction work.

Analyzing Introverts and Extroverts

This section features the finer details of being an introvert and an extrovert. Consider the following...

Are You an Introvert or Extrovert?

Let me try to explain the two sides as best as I can. First off, the introverts.

An introvert usually is seen as being reserved and not as outgoing. An introvert usually does not try to be boastful and always wanting to be out and about. Introverts even want to be alone to recharge themselves and to recover. They usually do not share their issues with others. Instead, these are people who act independently and prefer privacy over most things. A misconception about introverts is that they are rude and anti-social. Introverts are more self-reliant when dealing with certain issues.

An extrovert usually looks to others and is mostly outgoing. Such types are expressive and do not mind being among large crowds. They are more of team players than their introvert counterparts. They draw their energy from other people rather than rely on only a few certain individuals. They also tend to be the center of attention more than introverts. These are more the types that try to outsource things.


Maybe one is neither entirely an introvert nor an extrovert. So welcome the middle ground- the ambivert. An ambivert combines qualities of both introverts and extroverts but without being exclusive to either. Some may prefer to work alone but also am more open to working with other people and getting into social crowds. Once you realize what both introverts and extroverts are, you may realize you have qualities of both without having all of the qualities of either an introvert or an extrovert. In that case, consider yourself an ambivert!

Do I Identify as an Introvert or an Extrovert?

Personally, I tend to fit the bill as an introvert. A lot of what I do is independent. I also tend to want to be reserved and private for when experiencing tough times and need to recharge on my own. Though I am reserved, I used to look to guidance from others to try to get myself together when I am down. I also tend to be a deep thinker... often times over-thinking things. As much as I talk about certain places in the world I love and certain events I want to be a part of, I am actually not an outgoing person. I consider myself below average in trying to work in teams. I consider teamwork as one of my biggest weaknesses. So therefore, based on my research of introverts and extroverts, I seem best classified as an introvert.

Is It Good or Bad Being Either an Introvert or an Extrovert?

Being an introvert or an extrovert is only a bad thing if you consider one or the other to be a negative. Being an introvert or an extrovert just means you have different needs and strategies that have to be addressed properly to complete tasks. Even teams have to try to work together when you have both introverts and extroverts working on the same team trying to complete the same task or multiple tasks. So do not feel bad if you feel you are either an introvert or an extrovert. People are not going to require you to be either an introvert or extrovert. Likewise, people are not going to require you to convert to either an extrovert or introvert. Just work to your skills and personality. That is more important than anything else.

Video Insight.

I chose this video as a video example of distinguishing between introverts and extroverts:

^ Introverts vs Extroverts

Now let's talk care for both types.

Caring For Introverts and Extroverts

As introverts and extroverts have differing qualities, they also require different levels of care for when those are in need of support.

Introvert Care.

An introvert can be tough to negotiate with since they can be so reserved. An introvert may have certain issues and choose not to disclose their issues with others. Some introverts may try to self-treat their own issues rather than seek help. In a scary sense, some introverts may be so rebellious towards getting help that they may even engage in self-destruction or even suicide if they are unable to resolve their issues on their own. It is therefore helpful a person lets an introvert know he/she loves a certain introvert and wants the best for an introvert. It helps to be thoughtful and offer best wishes to an introvert dealing with any sort of issues.

Extrovert Care.

Extroverts often look to others for love and support rather than try to be independent. So therefore, being around others and gaining support from others is very beneficial to the extrovert. Extroverts whom may need help may have to be alone, just not for as long as introverts. Though extroverts tend to be more sociable, even extroverts suffer from social anxiety.

I wish I knew more about this topic to provide more accurate advice. Otherwise, that concludes this section. Maybe more complete advice could be offered in edits to this blog post. That said... let us end with some final thoughts, huh?

Introverts and Extroverts: Final Thoughts

Being an introvert or an extrovert is based entirely on how we tend to interact with the world as well as how we choose to take care of ourselves in completing tasks. I, at least, look at introverts and extroverts as different philosophies in accomplishing tasks, rather than praising one type and condeming the other. It is more important to understand your type to complete tasks rather than try to be an introvert or an extrovert. Naturally, many of us are the middle ground of introvert and extrovert. These are the ambiverts. As being an introvert or extrovert, you have different qualities and methods of handling work different from your counterparts. So be sure to address these concerns and try to find a way to work together to complete tasks. If you are trying to care for an introvert or an extrovert, it helps to have a general understanding of others' needs and traits. What may work to help an extrovert may not help an introvert. We all must do what we can to cater to and address the needs and wants of introverts and extroverts alike. Do not feel bad if you feel you have to be one or the other to be better accepted and to better accomplish tasks. Just do what you can and work to your own ability, and you'll do just fine.

This post is over. Thanks for dropping by! Let me ask you if you want to discuss this topic:

Do you consider yourself and introvert, an extrovert, or even an ambivert? Do you feel you need to be any of these to be successful in life and work?

Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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