"John's Life Space" features a variety of content to many audiences. The majority of content is meant to suit an audience 13 years of age and older. Some material offered in this blog may not be suitable for all audiences and may include some topics too sensitive or discomforting to discuss. All advice offered in this blog is not meant to replace or substitute practical help. If you require counseling or want more professional help, please consult your healthcare provider, a psychologist, or any other qualified individual.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Helpful Resources Salute

John B. Marine | September 27, 2019 | Be the first to comment!
Thank you for making my "Helpful Resources" so popular! I felt the need to try to provide online resources to better help others online besides my own blog posts on "John's Life Space." So I set up the Helpful Resources to make this vision happen. For this blog post, I felt the need to explain the Helpful Resources I show on John's Life Space. So allow me to do just that.

Helpful Resources

Let me explain what got me into creating these helpful resources.

Creating the Concept of Helpful Resources.

I was always under the impression that people often use the Internet mostly for procuring material illegally, the garden variety of memes and trolling, and lewd adult material. I get so disgusted and jaded that people use cyberspace as a means of continually depressing others with such content. Rather than add to the usual tomfoolery, I decided to do something about it by offering material people can actually use.

Even in the opening for my Helpful Resources page, "there is already enough negative and hurtful online media; why not some helpful online media for a change?" I felt I needed to offer various resources for people who may be hurting or need some help in their lives. So I developed a series of finding material based on various life issues. I want people to be able to find various resources to help them out with whatever life issues people face.

As much as we use cyberspace for entertainment consumption, we can equally use that same cyberspace to help live better lives. So I make sure to find as many different resources as possible to help this cause. I sometimes get e-Mail inquiries about certain resources people have put together and want to be featured in my Helpful Resources page. This means people find my page so useful that they want to offer their own relevant material to others. I often am commended for bring up issues of cyberbullying and providing material to help keep individuals safe online. In fact, most people whom have suggested I add extra resources mostly enjoyed my blog post on "John's Blog Space" regarding cyberbullying. The last person to suggest a resource on something other than cyberbullying or online security wanted me to include a resource for LGBT youth in school/college.

Sometimes, people tell me to remove certain resources simply because they don't exist or that links are broken. That's cool too. I often post how accurate everything is as of a certain date. So it is possible that a once-available resource may no longer exist or may go under a newer URL. Be sure to check the line regarding how accurate the links are in my Helpful Resources page. I update that page regularly to ensure all or most material posted on that Helpful Resources page is accurate.

The Overall Goal of Helpful Resources.

I link to these resources because I want people to find help with whatever life issues they are facing. I am sick of seeing and experiencing constant depression or always being disgusted with mostly negative material. I want to be part of a solution; not the problem. So you are certainly thankful I have made my own contribution to this cause.

Offering Thanks.

Thank you for your support! I am glad I am able to provide material that will surely be of help to others who may be facing any number of issues in life. I am also pleased others believe in my own work that they want their resources to be featured among the many I've tried to find to help out other people.

But Don't Forget...

...I run a pretty nice blog regarding help for life issues! You're reading that blog right now! "John's Life Space" is all about trying to offer help to people regarding a handful of various life issues. I even sort of diversified the various issues I discuss. As an example, I introduced some elements such as financial health, health and exercise, and things like that. Not many people visit most blogs devoted to things like life issues. Really, I care more about helping others than trying to make certain blogs as beasts of SEO and ROI and other material of that nature. If I didn't care about trying to offer some sort of positive material for people to use, I wouldn't go to such lengths to provide such advice. So be sure to use my material to help make your own life better.

One More Time...

Just want to say one last time:

Thank you very much!

I am glad people like you find my work and effort worth it. It is always a joy knowing I am changing the world for the better, or at least making small strides towards making life better. Life is never easy or fair. We can only do so much to be and feel happy. All I can do is help those who may need certain guidance.

If you want a handful of resources I've found for various life issues, please visit my Helpful Resources page here: Helpful Resources (John's Life Space).

"John's Life Space" may be devoid of incredible popularity, but I am glad people have found some use for this blog. I want my Helpful Resources as well as my regular blog posts to be of some help to everyone who visits. So thank you for making my Helpful Resources page popular and useful. Now if only more people can get engaged in my regular blog posts on "John's Life Space." Other than that, thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Your True Emotions

John B. Marine | September 27, 2019 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
How are you doing? You're doing great? Good! Are you saying that because you actually are doing great or because you are hiding your true feelings? Admit it- you are probably hurting inside and don't want to share your true emotions. Maybe you feel you will get treated differently because you are hiding something that will draw a negative reaction. What you say and who you talk to will draw different reactions from others. So you are very careful as to what you actually tell people. Sometimes, the death of a certain individual or getting out of the shadow of some people will allow you to better express your emotions and your own true feelings. No matter what, this blog post is all about showcasing your true emotions. What holds us back in showing how we really feel? Does it hurt to show our true emotions? I will attempt to address both of these matters in this blog post.

Your True Emotions

Everyone has emotions, and everyone chooses to express themselves any way they choose. This is true whether you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert. How you deal with such emotions determines on how you handle your true emotions. Let's talk to some extent about your true emotions and whether or not (and how) to exhibit your true emotions.

Why Do We Hide Our True Emotions?

There are a number of reasons why we tend not to share our emotions with others. For one, we may not trust some people we are around to share our issues. It is possible some people will do nothing more than exploit and expose our issues rather than try to help treat certain issues. It is also possible that someone who has actual issues may not get the needed help with their problems with some people he/she is around. Rather than feeling someone will get the needed help with their issues from individuals around him/her, the person would rather just keep their emotions in. Therefore, people are not so reluctant to share their true feelings to some people.

It is also true certain emotions we have will make us seem weak in the face of others. Like, someone who is fussy and whiny will be seen as a "pussy" to some people. If someone really feels down and wants to be better, they need to be with people who feel they can trust to feel better. So being able to share your true emotions can be a very important thing to help you feel better. You know you are hurting inside for real if you tell people you are doing just fine. Even if you try to sell being something you are not, you may end up doing more damage than feeling your best.

While choosing to keep in emotions from people we know and love, the emotions can fester into something where it breaks people down slowly. Therefore, it is important to...

Let It All Hang Out!

Keeping in your emotions can be unhealthy. It adds extra stress to try to keep in your emotions rather than let them out. Even if your emotions are violent or toxic, you have to let out your emotions so that they don't slowly deteriorate your life and livelihood. So it is best you let someone know you are not feeling good if you are truly not your best state of mind. Allow yourself to be patient to get whatever kind of guidance or help needed. Even if the needed help is for something comical or something more serious, people need to be stable again regardless of whatever bothers that person.

I am reminded of a fashion blogger whom I've followed for a number of years when discussing this topic. She experienced a situation earlier this year that led her to feeling down on herself and facing some tough decisions on how to go about life after this incident. This blogger even adopted swearing and using some bad language. Though she is generally classy, this fashion blogger felt the need to use such bad language simply to let out her emotions. All this is about is trying to let out your emotions in a healthy way... even if it involves having certain characteristics you are not known for having.

Should You Exhibit Your True Emotions to Others?

Some people will find the perfect moment to explain true emotions one has. Some people will not want to share how they truly feel unless the time is right or unless they feel they must immediately share their feelings with others. It is always better to share your feelings rather than keep them in for an extended amount of time.

After Sharing True Emotions... Now What?

If it is something that prompts change or immediate action, this is a time to work with someone and gain some sort of understanding. If someone was sincere about whatever has bothered an individual, this is a chance to understand and work with someone to help that person feel better. Be attentive and understanding. Especially if someone needs help, it is best to try to work with that person to try to help sort out whatever issues the individual may be having.

What If You Have No One to Share Emotions With?

You may be alone and have certain issues you have in you. If there is no one to help you share your emotions with, you are probably on your own to try to deal with your own issues. You may need to consult healthcare professionals or other qualified individuals if you are in crisis or in need of some help with your emotions. Perhaps you may need to engage in online counseling and online therapy. Regardless, we always say that you are not alone.

I now want to focus on individual situations.

Your True Emotions in Various Situations

Here is a closer look at expressing yourself with various talking points. Some of these issues could be expressed better in

Room to Vent.

Even if people have emotions that you fail to understand or care about sharing, you have to find some sort of medium to share emotions. Some people share their real feelings in person or on social media. People need to vent often times.

Parent-Sibling Feelings.

A parent may be frustrated with his/her child(ren) that the parent wants to have a talk with his/her child(ren). Wanting to show those emotions to children has to be done in a healthy way so that one doesn't end up harming the child(ren) for a long time. Something to be fearful of is to not get overly violent trying to get your message across to children. If discipline is called for, make sure not to get abusive or violent with children. Some parents often overstep their boundaries and start spanking or getting emotionally into their children. Be careful of this and remember- those children have the rest of their lives ahead of them, and you wouldn't want to jeopardize their future in a negative sense.

On the other hand, a child may be frustrated with his/her parent(s) that the child wants to share his/her true feelings to his/her parents. Some children actually feel their parents are not real parents. For example, one child may feel a certain parent or family member is so hated by that child because that parent or family member was never there for that person. A child may also dislike a family member who possibly treats someone near and dear to the family wrong.

It is imperative to have a healthy bond between parents and siblings to keep families together and happy.

True Love Feelings.

It is possible one's true emotions can involve actually wanting to start a relationship or engage in some sort of romantic activity. As much as I've shown off true feelings among others, this is a more different scenario. Someone's true love feelings with someone he/she loves can mean the person wants to start a family or wants to be romantically involved with his/her partner. If it comes down to wanting to strengthen a loving bond, activities need to be planned. Perhaps start dating more or start enjoying entertainment more together. If true emotions involve intimacy with someone, arrange for a time to actually get intimate with each other.

You probably want to be careful with this, because there is a chance you could really creep somebody out if you have certain loving feelings or romantic interests with others. Not everyone will accept your romantic feelings you may have for someone. Some others may want nothing to do with you ever again. So be careful expressing these emotions to some people if you honestly and truly have any sort of romantic interest that won't escalate to something like date rape, domestic violence, or anything.

LGBT+ Emotions.

This topic involves a handful of emotions and thoughts. Someone may truly want to engage in some sort of LGBT love or intimacy. A person may have kept in feelings of wanting to date or possibly marry a same-sex partner. Someone may secretly want to engage in crossdressing. Someone else in LGBT possibly has feelings of wanting to have a sex change. These emotions can be as gripping as almost any other emotions that are kept in by others. Trying to release these emotions and trying to be understood for them can be a daunting task. It is also possible people could hurt or destroy certain bonds with others because of LGBT concerns. Even though LGBT matters have become more acceptable in recent years than in the past, there are still many people who have all sorts of animosity and hate towards anything LGBT or LGBT related. Acceptance is not as easy with these matters as with any other.

True emotions can also mean you exhibit behavior outside of gender norms or if you act in ways different from what society considers normal or sane for males and females alike. A male may be someone who enjoys things normally females enjoy, or they may even identify and act as females. That male may still mostly be a male but enjoy certain female things. Likewise, there are a number of females who mostly like what a lot of males do. Some females would even prefer dressing masculine rather than wear things like high heels, dresses and skirts, makeup, or things like that. Such females would then enjoy being tomboys. Also, there are males and females alike who have so many different traits that they feel they do not entirely fall under being all-male or all-female. So enter the genderqueer or gender neutral individual. After all, there are males who wear pink and like all things cute and/or beautiful. There are females who enjoy wearing girly clothing but not afraid to get into intense sports playing or taking on difficult occupations like construction working. Some such people do not have someone to really share such emotions with often times.

LGBT matters involving gender can be a loaded subject. Most people would cringe at the thought of a male wanting to wear lingerie, skirts and dresses, lipstick, and things like that. Some males and females feel they were born in the wrong body or have some other kind of gender dysphoria. Especially in the case of being transgender, it can be tough to exhibit trying to be someone different. It isn't as easy as going to your favorite retail store and buy clothing opposite of your birth gender.

Time now for some final thoughts.

Your True Emotions: Final Thoughts

It is best to truly tell people how you really feel, even if you do not entirely trust you will get the sort of reaction from other people. You are better off letting your emotions out rather than bottle them inside of you. This is stress relief that can often times be a call to action or a cry for help. Releasing these emotions can make a vast difference moving forward no matter what emotions are being stored in. If there is no one who can help you with your true emotions, you may need to find some sort of counseling with healthcare professionals or other qualified individuals.

Once such emotions are released, it is best to try to be patient in trying to help someone feel better. It takes understanding and care to help someone deal with their issues. Don't compound or worsen the situation by being hateful and mean to that person. People have aspirations, dreams, and have some sort of livelihood. Let us try to preserve these elements for the betterment of others rather than damage or destroy them.

Try to share your emotions in positive and healthy ways if you can with others. If you need help or some sort of consolation, make sure to find loving and trusting people to help you feel better.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. Thank you so much for visiting! Please try to take advantage of all the different blog posts and resources I have made available. I really want to be ensured that I am making a difference for others with my work. If I have done just that for you, then please Follow/Subscribe to my work in whatever capacity. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Mental Health Care

John B. Marine | September 07, 2019 | | Be the first to comment!
Mental health is a serious topic, and people who may suffer could really use your help. Getting the needed help can vary from person to person. There are still a number of factors that go into helping others deal. For this blog post, I will look at a few different things that can be done to try to get people to feel better mentally. So if you are inclined, I would like to welcome you to another post of "John's Life Space" in regards to mental health!

Mental Health Care: Beginnings

A person who admits weakness or has a number of mental-related issues is someone who may be willing or wanting to seek help. Some people, though, do not know where to start or who to look to. Not everyone can deal with any sort of mental pain on their own. If a call for help is requested, it is best to try to get the needed help any way possible to avoid being broken down substantially and progressively in the future. It is therefore a big issue to try to help certain individuals who may be ailing in the mental health department.

When I say "mental health issues," those issues in question can range from comical matters to more serious ones. Someone may simply be having some bad times and some bad days as an example of mental health issues. One person may have episodes of depression that lead to lowered self-esteem or being unable to think positively. That too can be a sign of some mental ailment(s) a person may be facing. If someone doesn't feel right mentally, it can lead to a number of problems that can range from poor health habits (such as overeating) or even increased hostility and anger. Some people admit they need help; some others may actually need help even if they do not show or want to be helped. It is best to try to get people to turn things around in time before it is too late.

Certain mental problems have certain levels. Even something comical can lead to someone being mentally unstable. For example, someone may be upset his/her favorite sports team lost a game or let a significant lead get choked away to a loss. This can be quite comical to many people. However, some may take even the smallest negatives too seriously to where someone starts breaking down mentally. The smallest and most insignificant things can lead to someone potentially heading down a path of poor mental health. Likewise, someone may have more serious mental health matters- such as having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you or someone/something else does not intervene, there could be a great deal of trouble down the road for that person. So begins the process to try to help someone heal in such tough times.

Starting the Mental Healing Process.

The first thing to note is that anyone with any sort of mental issues are NOT failures. The last thing someone who is already ailing is to feel even worse- as if the specific person is any failure in life or society. People who are down in such senses should not be laughed at or regarded as lesser life forms because of their status of having poor mental health. These are people who want to become (for lack of a better term) the best version of themselves. When people do not feel like garbage or be treated like garbage, people can feel better about themselves regardless of whatever circumstances they may face. Henceforth, the first step in trying to help others feel better is to simply take in what a person is going through and try to offer your assistance where you can.

If certain mental health issues further fester, people can start to becoming either truly depressed or even be reluctant to harm themselves or other people. Some people with certain mental health issues may become hostile and want to either injure or kill oneself or other people. Even some individuals responsible for incidents of mass shootings or any sort of mass violence have had certain mental health issues that led them to hurt or kill many people. Mental health is therefore a very serious subject. People who may be suffering mentally could have only so long before something disastrous could happen to themselves or to others. It is therefore critical that intervention of some kind must materialize before any worst-case scenario occurs.

It is time I offer piece-by-piece advice to help aid in people getting help with their mental issues. Please go to the next section...

Mental Health Care: Key Concepts

To help with the process of helping others feel better about their mental health, I have broken down my own advice into a few key pieces. It takes all of the following to really help people who may be suffering mentally. The prerequisites here include a mentally ailing person who must first admit to having such mental health issues, and a person willing to help must be able to provide facilities and care to try to help a mentally ailing person out to live better and happier. So please follow each heading and heed the advice to help make others' lives better.

Mental Health Care: Acknowledge.

The first step in helping someone feel better is to acknowledge someone is having some issues or may have some issues. Even a person who doesn't directly say he/she has some mental health issues, at least sensing someone is even remotely having such troubles should at least be recognized for it. Even if the person does not ask for help or feels like he/she needs help, at least recognize help is needed for someone.

Mental Health Care: Listen.

Communication is important in a situation involving helping someone with mental health issues. If someone honestly has any sort of mental health issues impacting his/her life, let this person share what has happened or is happening in his/her life. One's ability to open up is a showing of strength, as that person is letting go of a burden that is hampering one's life. Make sure to hear out what someone is going through. If possible, even ask questions to try to get the whole story.

Mental Health Care: Understand.

A person may actually be hurting and turns to you for advice and guidance. Rather than look at a person as a failure or as someone incredibly weak, understand this person is in a down state and is seeking any sort of help on offer. Try to understand a person's issues to hopefully offer something valuable in helping someone feel better. Do not try to complicate one's issues further being being generally mean and fussy at someone- these actions just makes a person's problems greater. I always like to say, "you do not solve problems by adding to them." So if you don't feel qualified or understanding enough to help someone out, then do not attempt to offer solid advice or provide anything useful or helpful. If you really do care about someone and want someone to be better, you have to work with that person and understand what one is going through and how that person is dealing with some situations in life.

Mental Health Care: Care.

The next element is in the care itself. Once a person admits to having certain mental health issues and once that person's issues are understood, then begins the process of trying to care for that person. It does not have to be constant contact and continuous contact, but regularly be attentive and aware of what a person is going through. Try to offer advice or try to help a person feel better any way you can. Even if you are not the most capable to help someone with their mental health issues, at least try. Someone is better off getting some sort of decent help rather than having no help at all. Everyone deserves to live happily and feel good. Offer anything you can to try to get people to feel better mentally.

Mental Health Care: Patience.

Finally, and most importantly, it takes patience to help those with mental health issues. The patience comes from not only the person suffering, but also from the person/people who help out such individuals. It is not likely one's mental health issues will be resolved overnight. Someone's issues may take seconds, days, or even years to be resolved. You still need to be in it for the long haul to get someone to feel better mentally.

There are the key concepts: acknowledge, listen, understand, care, and patience.

Mental Health Care: Final Thoughts

If someone is having certain mental health issues, you can do a lot to help someone get back on track and feel better. The process may take some time, but anything to help people feel better while in such a weakened mental state is certainly worth trying to help. A person can ultimately feel better if that person is willing to want help, and also if you are capable enough to try to help someone feel mentally better. I defined the healing process under five concepts: acknowledge, listen, understand, care, and patience. Everyone deserves to feel better and live happier. You can do a lot to help people who may be facing some sort of mental health issues. Even if you are not the best at giving advice or offering sufficient help, you can at least play a part in helping someone overcome their issues rather than let those mental health issues fester into something toxic and dangerous. Everyone deserves to live the best possible life and enjoy all life has to offer. One would rather get the needed help rather than have to live with mental pain for the rest of his/her life.

Having said all of this. I wish all of you well in trying to help people overcome various mental health issues.

Mental health. Make the discussion.

One thing I haven't mentioned, though completely obvious, is that people with more serious cases of mental health or in crisis should seek help from healthcare professionals or certain qualified individuals. That is the information I put in my disclaimer here on "John's Life Space." All I can do is offer advice to help people deal with certain situations. While my advice may not be the best, it is far from being the worst. I can only do so much to try to provide hope and promise in the darkest of times. I hope you can appreciate my efforts nonetheless. On this note, I will end this blog post. Good luck to you trying to help other people as well as helping certain mentally ailing people get the needed help to turn their lives around for the better. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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