"John's Life Space" features a variety of content to many audiences. The majority of content is meant to suit an audience 13 years of age and older. Some material offered in this blog may not be suitable for all audiences and may include some topics too sensitive or discomforting to discuss. All advice offered in this blog is not meant to replace or substitute practical help. If you require counseling or want more professional help, please consult your healthcare provider, a psychologist, or any other qualified individual.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


John B. Marine | November 29, 2017 | | | Be the first to comment!
Home is where we are most comfortable. However, what happens when you become homesick? Homesickness is where you miss the comforts of home and miss being home. Even if you don't live in the best of conditions, home is where you are happy and free to relax. Some people become homesick because of their jobs or because of other issues. When you become homesick, it is usually because you miss such comforts wherever in the world you are. I will do my best to discuss homesickness in this blog post and maybe offer some calming thoughts.


This can be a depressing issue to a lot of people. However, I will do what I can to make you feel better, especially if you have experienced this situation. I tried to find an image to set this post up, but I couldn't find a suitable one to identify this post. Sorry...

I often times like to think of people like military members and truck drivers. Such individuals have important jobs, but they often are not able to go home to their families and loved ones. I once researched this topic on my main blog, "John's Blog Space," and some comments I read was that someone gave up being a truck driver because of being away from home so often. One of the toughest feelings is to tell loved ones that you will be away for some time. You know you love people in your life. If you had it your way, you either wish you can be with your family more or even have them go with you (as long as you are having a wholesome occupation). If just to provide a living, you hate to be away from home for longer than needed.

Some people become homesick if in the hospital. People would love to be home rather than be cooped up in a hospital bed. You are certainly in a place of healing when in a hospital. On the other hand, you are missing feeling normal. On November 12, 2017; what was a visit to an emergency care clinic ended up with me having to be transferred to a hospital. I had to have surgery to remove a scrotal abscess followed by fighting a nasty infection. I would have my first ever surgical procedure. As my surgery was complete and that I had to battle an infection, I had to be in the hospital for almost two weeks. I was held over because of concerns of my high white blood cell count. Therefore, I had to remain in the hospital for a few extra days before eventually being discharged on November 24, 2017. All the while, I wanted to be back home and not be strapped to an IV unit. I've been feeling sick all that time. I missed Thanksgiving with my family and perhaps fall into the appeal of Black Friday shopping. The more I wished I could return home amid hopes of being discharged, I was held up more by the hospital. I began to feel emotional one time I thought I was going to be discharged. I was feeling sad that I had to be kept longer. Even still, it was for me to be in good enough condition to be discharged from the hospital. Still- I wanted to be home and do things I love, such as blogging. All the while, missing home and normality. Even as I missed home, my mother still came up to my hospital room consoling me and even kissing me so that I don't lose sight of feeling like I am alone or that I feel hopeless.

There was a point long ago when I was a college student and felt homesick. In 2002, I was admitted to Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, USA. I wanted to pursue a career in the realm of computer art. What was to be a four-year journey only lasted 11 weeks. I had a tough time feeling happy and confident in my career endeavors. People were feeling uncomfortable with me around. I had friends who just didn't care anymore. I basically felt like coming home because I was just too caught up trying to make friends and have fun. I never said I said the right things or did the right things all the time. However, I just felt like my attempt to try to get a good education and be independent was an absolute failure. So I was thankful to return home to Houston. Even at times, I was thankful my parents would visit me in a two-hour drive from my Houston home.

What if you don't have a place to call home? Maybe you were kicked out of your house or don't have a home to go to. Maybe you had a home... until you lost everything. Can you be homesick if you are homeless? More than likely- yes. If you don't have a home, you certainly can feel terribly homesick because you don't have a home, and you probably don't know what comforts home offers. This is probably the worst feeling overall because

The thing to take away from homesickness is that we miss being away from home. In being away from home, many of the comforts are taken away. Those comforts help us feel better about ourselves.

Homesickness: Final Thoughts

We become so spoiled about home that we miss home when out and about. Depending on what life is like away from home, we miss being home for a number of reasons. Most of us are away from home because we have jobs to do and livings to maintain and sustain. It is perfectly fine to miss home, but you shouldn't let being homesick take over your mind. It is never easy to try to fight off being homesick. Try to focus on the task at hand if you are away from home. Try also to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy. If your situation doesn't allow you to return home, just remain hopeful you will get that opportunity to return home to refresh your mind. Always be strong and don't missing let the comforts of home take over your mind or ruin your focus from your job. Homesickness is not an easy feeling, but it could get much worse when all you think about is returning home regardless of your occupation or with some other issues.

In Case You're Wondering...

I discussed this post in my main blog before. To read my other post on homesickness, visit the following link: "Homesickness" on John's Blog Space.

Homesick Resources

(NOTE: This section was taken from my "John's Blog Space" blog post on the same topic. Some of this material may be outdated and links may not work since this is from an old blog post.)

Are you or someone you know homesick? I have pulled a few different resources from off the Internet to help you out. I hope you can use these resources and more to help you out:

Homesickness is a longing to be near your sources of happiness
Lee's Homesickness As A Military Man Reflects Today's Soldiers' Feelings
Homesickness -
"It's My Life . Friends , Summer Camp . Homesickness" -

"6 ways to deal with being homesick at college" -
College Student Homesickness -
Homesickness isn't really about 'home' - CNN Health

No Need to Be Homesick – Local Trucking

How to Deal with Homesickness at Basic Training -

I hope I can find more resources for people taking on homesickness. I really want to feel like I am actually helping people rather than just post a bunch of stuff online expecting people to care.

That is all from me here. I'm glad you found my post and my blog. Want to discuss this topic? Here is a question for you:

How do you deal with homesickness? Or have you ever been homesick?

I will do what I can to give back and offer positive material with this blog. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday Motivation

John B. Marine | November 27, 2017 | | Be the first to comment!
#MondayMotivation gets us ready for a new week. Many people lack the motivation or desire to start a new week after (hopefully) having a good weekend. Most pretend the weekend should be extended rather than working Monday. Trouble is, we don't have that luxury. Since people lack the courage or desire to start a new work week, we have so-called Monday Motivation to try to get us through another week. This blog post is just a few thoughts to consider when Mondays come.

Monday Motivation

Let me just find a picture to set this post up and identify it. This is also a good picture to express some of the main points to this blog post:

Monday Motivation
^ from: (Twitter) - It's Monday. Are you ready for a new week?

Why do we need Monday Motivation? While you have had an amazing weekend, reality and work come to fruition as a new week starts. Mondays will do that to you. Many people on social media use Monday as a chance to motivate people to get through the upcoming week or to simply offer positive thoughts. No matter what the case, Monday means many things to many people. How you muster up the energy to go through Mondays is purely your call.

How I View Mondays.

The weekend awaits, but I must first worry about the week ahead. I would rather not have to worry about going through another regular weekday swing. I almost want the weekend to be extended. But as we all know, we have to do our daily grind before relaxing for the weekend. We all wish we can enjoy the weekend and enjoy relaxing; but at some point, we have to be active and productive with our lives. We all have to make a living and build for the future. Monday is the start... or should be the start, of hopefully making another normal week into something special.

How Should You Take Mondays?

When I would post material on Mondays, I do so knowing that there are those who don't want to deal with a new weekday swing that may seem boring and unfulfilling. That is.. if you let Mondays be dragging. I always look at Mondays as a new opportunity to be amazing. Think of Monday as a basis to finish the week on a positive note. Not every Monday is a great one. Besides- Monday could be the start of new challenges, and you will need the rest of the week to rebound from those challenges and finish strong.

Mondays can also trigger a time for you to think about how you want to take what is given to you and make the most of every opportunity to make the week special. Not every week has to be an overwhelming success to be worthwhile. Also take into account that not everything will go your way. Maybe what you want to accomplish will take more than a week. No matter what, you are best served looking at Monday as the start of new opportunities as opposed to Mondays being the genesis of yet more unfulfilling moments and broken promises.

One time on Twitter, someone tweeted at me saying that Monday is just the start of absolutely nothing. Well, Monday will mean nothing if you let it mean nothing and if you don't want to work to make the week to come be special. A new week can be the start of something productive if you remain hopeful and have a vision as to how you want the week to be a success to you. Monday is the start of a new week and the many opportunities that may exist. You may even need to make your own opportunities. Still- Monday is as much the start of new opportunities to be amazing as much as it can be (to many people) the start of yet another time of work and worry.

How Should You Be Motivated to Make Monday Special?

Always remember that Monday should be the start of trying to wonder how to make the upcoming week productive and successful. Have yourself a vision of what you want to accomplish for the upcoming week. Take into account what all can enhance or derail your goals for the current day or the current week. Certain aspects can get in the way- both anticipated and unexpected. Once you take into account all that can go right and all that can go wrong for the upcoming week, the thing you can do best is simply live the week as best as you can. Good luck!

The next section will have some final thoughts of mine to share on this topic. Read on!

Monday Motivation: Final Thoughts

You can either open yourself to new opportunities when Mondays come, or you can let Monday trigger another week of boredom and lack of productivity. Your call. I suggest you look at Mondays as a chance to take a potentially boring week and make the most of what is given to you. Even if the current week isn't going well, you can at least be proud knowing you did what you can to make the week special. Even if you fail, you did your best. Simply trying and doing your best are commendable regardless of what the week throws at you. You won't win every battle. Also, you simply won't have your best days no matter how much you work or hope the current week goes your way. It's life.

So go get out there and make Monday mean something! Good luck!

You should be encouraged EVERY day; not just Mondays. However, I hope this brightened your day. Discussion time:

How do you motivate yourself for Mondays? How do you see Mondays?

Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Saturday, November 25, 2017

People DO Care

John B. Marine | November 25, 2017 | | | | Be the first to comment!
People DO care. While it may seem like people are so hateful or want nothing to do with helping others, you're wrong. People DO care about helping others. You see so often despicable crimes, hurtful Internet memes, bullying, mass killings, terrorism, and more. All of which make you think humanity is imploding and society is destroying itself. Or at least, society internally bleeding. When you see people helping others or offering assistance outside of stories of hate and crimes covered, and when you think people don't care; you eventually realize...

People DO care.

Let me share some of my own personal insight to show that people do care.

People DO Care - Personal Insight.

I had more posts in mind when I finally created the "John's Life Space" blog. November 2017 hasn't been a good month for me. My grandmother died, and I had to have a scrotal abscess removed and treat infections. I expressed a number of my poor moments on social media. I mentioned to my Facebook friends and family regarding a lot of my rough moments. Usually, I would get a lot of attention on Facebook when it is my birthday or maybe the anniversaries of my High School graduation or the anniversary of my Associate's in the Arts. I was overwhelmed the amount of support on Facebook for my posts regarding my late grandmother and for my 13 days in the hospital. I normally don't get as much attention for even when my latest blog posts are being fed online. I received at least 20 comments on my Facebook profile with individuals offering their love and support. I didn't ask people to feel sorry for me or want people to post something to me. However, through the kindness of others and for how much I am appreciated by others, I have received so many genuine comments. Things like this help remind me (not that I need to be reminded) that there are good people in the world and that people do care. Even people who normally don't communicate with me on Facebook or respond to my posts even came out to offer support. People- you have no idea how special this makes me feel.

People DO Care - Times of Need.

There is a time really when people do care for others. We had Hurricane Harvey impact the Texas coastline and in Houston. While the hurricane impacted mostly south central Texas in cities like Corpus Christi and San Antonio, Houston got a lot of the "dirty" side of Hurricane Harvey. This is a city that had to rebuild substantially along with trying to improve relationships with neighbors. Did we have to try to help out others who may have lost everything or suffered damage? No. Because we are wanting to make life better for others, though, it at least is assuring and positive that we gain such support from other people. Having a sense of community and purpose help to make life easier and more enjoyable. While we can all live live alone, we don't HAVE to live life alone.

Why Are Most People So Uncaring (or Don't Care Enough)?

So how come we don't have as many people care for others or about others? Well, a lot of us are not as compassionate or as wanting to act outside of ourselves. We always tend to think we are threatened by others trying to take our spotlight or potentially ruin our success. Only legit excuse not to care is if you simply aren't qualified enough or are able enough to help someone or to care.

So remember folks- PEOPLE DO CARE! We should all be thankful to have such caring individuals for those of us who have people to look up to.

I will try to do all I can I help make this blog work. Maybe you can help. I will keep trying to add more content. I just hope you all can enjoy my efforts. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Life Happens.

John B. Marine | November 08, 2017 | Be the first to comment!
Life is never easy or fair. Here you are trying to make the most of each day, each experience, and each opportunity. You feel invincible until something accidental or forced happens. You enjoy being with friends and having fun until something occurs that brings you to confusion or sadness. You feel you are healthy until some condition you know nothing of hits you. You are friends with someone, and then that friend betrays you (or you betray that person). Perhaps you are living your own life until one or more people incite violence to threaten our peace- people who have disregard for humanity. Everything goes right until an accident or some kind of disaster occurs. No matter what goes on in your life, one thing is for certain...

Life happens.

Having said all of this, it is time to start another blogging adventure. Having blogged most of my life since the Myspace days, it is time I welcome you (and others) to my latest blog-

John's Life Space johnslifespace
"John's Life Space!"

John's Life Space

This blog is about life issues and dealing with life. This includes matters of personal feelings, love and relationships, how to simply live better, and things of that nature. I am not here to try to be an authority figure regarding such issues. I don't have the answer to all the questions, but I do hope to offer answers. I hope I can express things and offer advice in a calming and respectful manner.

Why Did I Start "John's Life Space?"

There are a lot of things out there in cyberspace. As Mahatma Gandhi said, you should "be the change you want to see in the world." I am someone who just isn't fancy or "cool" online. You see people finding any little reason to hate somebody or ridicule somebody. You will see all kinds of hurtful messages online and all kinds of Internet memes. Everyone has a voice and a heart. Some contribute to what is already littering the interwebs. Some people continually add to what makes life horrid. Some others, however, want to offer something more pleasant and useful. That is where I come in.

To be honest, this blog was the work of months of deciding how I want to structure and utilize offering a blog with my own personal insight in regards to various life issues. I never said I had all of the answers to life's questions. Nor do I. I am facing a lot of the same issues you probably are dealing with. Often times, I like to think of how I can possibly help people feel better about themselves and life. Personal experiences and thoughts of mine help fuel the passion to try to help others. I certainly feel like I can hopefully touch others' lives and offer something helpful and thoughtful. Never once have I engaged in making memes or coming up with anything overly annoying. I have done and said stupid things. So in no way am I any life coach. I don't think of myself as a success story. I was never a truly successful student. Sometimes at my current age of 34 (as of November 8, 2017), I feel like many things in my life could have come earlier in my life. I don't know how much longer I have to live, but I hope I can use my time to help others and provide thoughtful and positive material even if the rest of the Internet posts negativity and long-dead memes and jokes. Maybe I am someone who doesn't get jokes right away or understands a lot of today's pop culture material. All I know is that old-fashioned me wants to try to help make life and society better. We can keep being force-fed images and thoughts of a world gone mad, environments that get much worse before getting much better (if at all possible), and things like that... but I chose to be different and offer something pleasant and (hopefully) useful.

I hate seeing good people suffer. I hate people being broken down and not being appreciated. I hate the feeling of no hope in sight. It gets old for people to never experience being important and respected. I don't like being part of some community where I am not as respected as most others. Because there are things that bring us down from making the most of what life we do have in this universe, I want to be able to empower and encourage people. We are all eventually going to die. So while we are alive, let's do what we can to offer happiness and hope in a world gone mad.

Because I wanted to offer a pleasant distraction and something potentially useful, I provide you this blog. I could contribute to all the social media madness and try to be like most other people, but I chose to be myself and offer what I think will change the world for the better. Will I succeed? It all depends on how I am taken for my words. All I know is that I will at least try to provide something I am certain people will at least appreciate or respect.

While I want a lot of people to visit and enjoy this blog, I don't care too much about SEO or anything. This blog is all about offering advice to others. Hopefully people will find my blog and take in the advice. I'd rather give solid advice rather than offer a site that is a beast in various categories regarding blogs and websites.

The Blog Itself.

This blog's official colors are blue, white, and green. However, I call this the "green" blog of my blogs. The color scheme is meant to resemble "John's Life Space" as a natural and peaceful space. Blue represents a sunny sky and clear waters. Blue also happens to be my favorite color. Green represents natural beauty with grass. The white represents purity, peace, and hope. So therefore, this is a blog I hope can be a place of positive energy. If you read some of my posts regarding life issues in my main blog, "John's Blog Space," what you will see here is nothing different. All I am doing is offering my helpful and positive material on a different platform.

Even though stars and space inspire my art work and my blogs, it is a bit different that this blog's design is not inspired by nighttime.

What You Should Know.

Here on "John's Life Space," I offer everything in proper English. I am not going to dabble in shorthand or become indulged in terms and phrases people are saying these days. I don't even use (or care about) emojis or emotes. I am hardly fancy. I am mostly old-fashioned (or as some would call- boring). I don't want little things to get in the way of expressing points or trying to express whatever it is I am trying to express. I am serious, but I try to be casually professional. I want to have fun with what I do without feel I am seriously obligated to provide some kind of service.

I am thankful you found this blog. Now for a few other things to keep in mind:

• This blog is a positive space. I can not assure all topics mentioned here are pleasant ones, but this blog (like my others) is a positive space. I will not use this blog as a means of hurting others.

• You are not a failure if you landed on this blog. You arrived here because you want some insight on life issues and perhaps want some advice.

• You are welcome here. I hope I can discuss certain issues and help provide decent advice to help you feel better if you are down.

• My preferred audience is vast. If I had to give a set audience for material discussed in this blog, it would probably be 13 years of age and older. I will try to make all issues friendly for as many audiences as possible. However, I can not assure that every topic is suitable for people of certain ages. Some material and topics may not be suitable for all audiences. So you are reading my material at your own risk.

MOST IMPORTANTLY... This blog and the advice offered is not meant to replace proper counseling. If you require more serious help, please consult your healthcare provider, a psychologist, or any other qualified individual.

• I am welcome to new topic ideas. So if you want to see a certain relevant topic featured here, please be sure to contact me. You may see your suggestion in a future post in this blog!

A Special Note...

This blog is dedicated in loving memory of my grandmother, who died on November 4, 2017 at the age of 93. A lot of what she has been able to accomplish in her life and the character she has established has helped me and my family become better. Regardless of whatever topics are expressed and how I express them, this is all in loving memory of the strongest woman I've ever known- my grandmother.

And there you have it. Welcome to "John's Life Space!" You're welcome, world. Now go read some of my posts already!

Before I Close This Post...

November 8 is the birth of "John's Life Space," but it is also my anniversary of joining YouTube back in 2008. Happy anniversary, me! :)

Enjoy your time here and take advantage of all I have to offer to all of you. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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