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Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Holiday Stress

John B. Marine | December 25, 2024 | Be the first to comment!
The holiday season can be festive and fun; however, it can also be absolutely stressing. It is not only about preparing food or finding gifts. It just seems a chaotic time for a "festive" time of the year. Unfortunately, not everything this time of year is usually happy and joyous. I can not provide answers, but I can discuss a number of things that can go wrong during the Holiday Season. Maybe I can also provide some advice. Let us discuss this topic further on "John's Life Space," shall we?

Holiday Stress

Thanksgiving is a great time to enjoy family get-togethers as well as eat great food together. Christmas is a joyous time of exchanging gifts and bringing families together. Both of these times are usually anticipated by many people. However, what happens between these times can be chaotic. Not so "festive," so to speak.

Holiday Stress: Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving time can be a challenge as some families prepare food for the family to eat. There are maybe a few issues that may get into the way of having a successful time preparing food. A possible issue would be if (for example) people struggle to cook things like turkey. That is not really a problem.

What does become a problem, though, is when people may get sick from some of the offered food. Undercooked food or some food somehow getting to someone can be enough to bring one to sickness.

A bigger issue involving Thanksgiving involves travel and trying to get people together. Some people may live far away and have to make the trip to wherever the Thanksgiving festivities will take place. Some people may not even have a real set of people to have for a Thanksgiving gathering. Issues with travel around Thanksgiving can really take its toll on peoples' minds.

Holiday Stress: Christmas.

Don't let a classic song fool you- Christmas is not always the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas can be just as brutal as Thanksgiving. Wondering what gift(s) to get someone, preparing Christmas dinner, inviting over family members, travel, and countless other considerations can make Christmas a mental and even financial burden.

My primary concern I have with people is wondering how families are able to be financially able to provide for getting gifts for others. Some families financially struggle. Some families may even have trouble trying to make ends meet. These can lead to not having as great of Christmas.

Christmas gifts can be mixed results. People could give others the exact gift(s) to others that they will love. They may even get some inexact gifts that can still be enjoyable. What if you give the discriminating person a gift that they simply dislike? Christmas can be an exercise in thoughtfulness. Some others, though, may be so ungrateful and picky. Another issue that may arise with gifts is in the stress of trying to wrap up gifts as best as possible. Someone would feel strange getting a package that looks like it was wrapped haphazardly. Perhaps the stress of hoping someone will accept a gift can be its own Christmas issue.

Christmas shopping itself can be stressing. There are literally people who will seek certain gifts and treat them as if they are health essentials. A new television or an exciting toy is NOT like a human heart or a blood transfusion. People will even go as far as to inflict violence, damage property, engage in gunfire or stabbing, and other things. These are all from people going too far in trying to properly do Christmas shopping. As a non-related gift issue, there is also the issue of packages getting stolen from porches from online shopping. This too can add to stress on Christmas.

Just like Thanksgiving, prepared food can still make some people sick should things reach such extremes. Certain food can make people sick if the food gets to them. Food allergies can also be an issue. As with Thanksgiving, Christmas food can be just as a hassle as Thanksgiving can be. Be sure to take care of yourself if you end up feeling sick. If you have to, see your doctor or get some medical attention if you are having some health issues that may be more complex thanks to food.

Some people celebrate Christmas at home with their family. Some others go to elaborate Christmas parties. For the latter, an issue may arise over parties involving alcohol. One must avoid being overly intoxicated. One's train of thought or perception can be an issue when drunk. So make sure to know your limit and drink responsibly.

If trying to invite over families and others, there are travel concerns thanks to the weather, airport conditions, and more. You and/or your loved ones will want to be able to convene and meet up safely.

It is really sad that most people tend to get sick most during the holiday season. Anyhow, now that we have unpacked the woes of Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is time to delve further into the stress aspects of these holidays.

Holiday Stress: Dealing With Stress

As with nearly any topic discussed in this blog, there is no one-size-fits-all answer as to how to address and treat these issues. Thanksgiving and Christmas are no different.

When it comes to Thanksgiving, have a plan as to getting as many people as possible to your Thanksgiving function safely. It helps to have the freshest-possible food. Sometimes having frozen over food from months ago or so can end up making people sick when cooked again. It may help to provide various food options for everyone. As one might know, certain people would love certain foods. It is best to treat everyone right food-wise.

Experts recommend for around Christmas time, do your Christmas shopping early rather than try to get last-minute gifts. Be especially cautious over unruly people who value certain Christmas gifts like life essentials or absolute rarities. Most of all- practice patience. If gathering people, make sure can reach the destination effectively regardless of various conditions. If attending Christmas parties, especially those which have alcohol, be sure not to get overly drunk. Make sure your packages don't get stolen if you have done online shopping for your gifts. Just like with Thanksgiving, be sure not to eat too much or get sick during this time of year.

For both Thanksgiving and Christmas, be sure to look after your health should you get sick during these times of year. Get some medical attention if there are certain situations that may require visiting healthcare professionals. Be sure not to eat too much, drink too much, or get into some sort of compromising health situation.

The holiday season can be festive, but it can also be hectic. So make sure to keep yourself in check and look after yourself to make this season less stressing than it has to be.

These can be tough times, but you can pull through them. Just take it easy and do what you can to mitigate the madness. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (tips/donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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