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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hate Crimes

John B. Marine | July 26, 2023 | Be the first to comment!
WARNING: The following topic may not be suitable for all audiences. Due to the subject matter of this topic, viewer discretion is advised. Parents of younger children will need to restrict or limit younger viewers from viewing this material. Otherwise, you are reading this material at your own risk.

EVERYTHING about you is subject to praise or protest. Your age, ethnicity, nationality, culture, religion, political preference, sexual orientation, and other preferences make up your identity. They also can make you a victim of being martyred. A hate crime is exactly what it sounds like- a crime committed by someone based on injuring or killing people based on certain preferences. In this blog post, I will discuss this difficult and disturbing topic.

Hate Crimes

A hate crime is an act of violence committed against individuals of certain specific identities and categories. There have been acts of violence involving mass murder for whatever reason. Some people who commit these acts may be gang members, extremists, terrorists, and more. Such people who commit such hate crimes either pick certain occasions, certain locations, or certain random times to strike oblivious and unaware individuals. The most disturbing thought is that anyone and everyone are targets of someone cruel enough to want to commit a hate crime.

Let us look at some hate crime violence. There have been events such as the gay nightclub mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, USA where over 45 people were killed. There was the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, USA whereas mostly Black people were shot and killed at a grocery store in a Black community. There was a mass shooting in the greater Atlanta, Georgia, USA area where the assailant killed about eight people by targeting certain spas, where most of the victims were Asians. So these incidents can happen at any time, anywhere. The motive(s) behind such actions can be as despicable as the violence itself.

The biggest factor to note about hate crimes is that they are not your fault. Unless you specifically did something to provoke a specific assailant, you did nothing wrong. You are just being yourself. Someone who just has a certain disdain of people of certain categories just decides to inflict violence at some moment in some specific location. Most of these assailants do not even care who specifically they attack- they just want to make a statement or feel like they are carrying out a certain task at the expense of innocent lives.

Living With Hate Crimes?

Society within the past 25 or so years has slowly declined to where people deem it is necessary or substantiated to kill multiple people. It seemed horrific when the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 happened. Much more incidents of mass murder would happen across America and even around the world since. You can't even enjoy entertainment gatherings without wondering if you will be safe- such as the 2017 mass shooting in the greater Las Vegas, Nevada, USA area.

Surreal as it may sound, mass murder and hate crimes have been intertwined into our lives. The majority of this post has regarded hate crimes. Simply being yourself and celebrating who you are can make you a target for anyone who wishes to commit a hate crime. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Despite all of this, you could be among the victim(s) of a future hate crime. This is basically something all of us will have to live with unless some sort of serious regulation suppresses these hate crimes. It is impossible to completely eradicate even the notion of hate crimes, but a lot can be done to where we can prevent such hate crimes from happening.

How to Protect Yourself.

What if you are in the face of potential danger of a hate crime? You may alert authorities if you feel someone is suspicious of committing a hate crime or some other sort of mass murder or terrorism. You may learn self-defense with or without weapons. This is helpful if you feel you are the target of a suspicious individual. Live your life normally, but remain alert and vigilant.

Now for some Final Thoughts on this difficult matter.

Hate Crimes: Final Thoughts

Regardless of who you are as a person and for what you believe in, these factors will leave you to ridicule and judgment from everyone. Many of these things you can not change can fuel an assailant's desire to commit hate crimes against others. Celebrate who you are and what you believe in; just remember some other people can be entirely jealous of you and/or what you believe in. It is perfectly fine to disagree with peoples' views, but it is NEVER acceptable to inflict violence because of who others are and/or what others believe in. Perpetrators of hate crimes face some sort of fear that they have to specifically target certain figures to defeat someone or something they do not believe in. The rash of mass murder and hate crimes in today's social landscape make living seem impossible. All we can do, though, is live our own lives while also remaining vigilant and alert to any impending danger about someone plotting to commit some sort of hate crime or domestic terrorism. Hate crimes can not be eradicated entirely, but what we can do is limit any any all threats to the greater public-at-large.

A Bonus Final Thought.

"If you see something, say something." If you fear someone may be plotting to commit some sort of hate crime or any other mass murder, be sure to alert authorities. It is possible you can foil a potential plot for disaster based entirely on your vigilance.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Celebrate Responsibly

John B. Marine | July 18, 2023 | Be the first to comment!
This past Independence Day saw a lot of injuries and deaths due to various celebrations. The most common culprit is often celebratory gunfire. Firing off gunshots in celebration could lead to disposed bullets hitting someone or something. Not being safe using things like fireworks or sparklers can also be dangerous. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to celebrate certain occasions. If you are going to do so, though, consider your life and the lives of others as you celebrate. Any kind of celebration is meant to be just that- celebration, happiness, and jubilation. You don't want what should be a joyous time to end up being a somber time. So please be sure to celebrate responsibly when you can.

The impacts of celebrating can be further enhanced if smoking or drinking is involved. Impaired judgment can be just as damaging in regards to celebrating. You certainly want to be careful if you are drinking and/or smoking prior to or during celebrating. Any number of things can happen as you are high or drunk. If you are too drunk to where you can't drive home safely, have someone else [who isn't drunk or high] drive home.

Let me get back to fireworks and sparklers for a moment. If you are in a place where fireworks are disallowed, PLEASE don't use them in such locations. There is a chance you could start a fire or get someone hurt. People will still pop off fireworks in places and times where they are disallowed. You can't pardon the foolishness of such individuals, so make sure to take things carefully.

Having said all of this, I'd like to offer my condolences to those who may have been injured or killed celebrating anything recently. Just be careful and mindful as you celebrate. You may also elect to do the simplest things in this situation- either celebrate privately or don't celebrate at all.

This was just a simple blog post regarding celebrating responsibly. Usually, I do more detailed blog posts on topics. This one was more casual but still informative. If you enjoy my work, please Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work and want to support me any way you can. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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