"John's Life Space" features a variety of content to many audiences. The majority of content is meant to suit an audience 13 years of age and older. Some material offered in this blog may not be suitable for all audiences and may include some topics too sensitive or discomforting to discuss. All advice offered in this blog is not meant to replace or substitute practical help. If you require counseling or want more professional help, please consult your healthcare provider, a psychologist, or any other qualified individual.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Asking for a Friend

John B. Marine | March 02, 2023 | | | |
What has become the latest trendy phrase is "asking for a friend." The concept works like this- rather than the person in question ask for advice, his/her/their friend asks for them. Can another person be trusting enough to legitimately ask a question to someone else and get proper advice?

I actually think this is a legitimate concept if one actually is too afraid to ask on one's own. However, I do not think one person should feel overly embarrassed. If someone wanted to visit my blog(s) for advice on something, it's here for you- no need to ask, not really any shame if you have such concerns.

Asking for a Friend: Sample Scenario.

Okay- let us set up a scenario. Let's say a straight male has a romantic attraction to another male or a transgender woman, and he has questions regarding intimacy. That male would probably want to find out on his own answers to his questions, but he would feel embarrassed to ask on his own. So someone would tell a friend to get some answers speaking on his behalf. I think someone would have to be bold enough and trusting enough to help get answers to such questions.

Asking for a Friend: No "Friend?"

What if the "asking for a friend" was simply one person having an embarrasing question and not really asking on behalf of any person? This situation would be the kind of situation where someone can absolutely question the validity of asking others for advice. In a situation like this, the person would mostly pretend to ask for advice but is really lying about trying to ask a question on a friend's behalf when there is no one he/she/they asks for. Such people protect one's own character by pretending to ask on someone else's behalf when they are the ones wanting certain advice on something.

When Asking for a Friend Can Work.

The only real situation where I can see where asking for a friend works is if someone asks a friend about something to someone who may be tough to communicate with. For example, someone may want some advice from someone who may be tough to talk with. This is the only real situation where I can see asking for a friend actually working.

Final Thoughts on Asking For a Friend.

Salute to anyone who is willing to ask questions about things to other people on their behalf. I know it can be tough trying to ask on your own, but there is more credibility and honesty when you ask questions yourself or looking for answers on your own. It is okay to ask about embarrassing things to others. Especially if you have trust issues, it is best to ask about things on your own than rely on someone else to ask on your behalf. Maybe if someone is tough to talk with about things, then it may be okay to ask for someone to try to talk with such individuals. Other than that, try to gather the courage to ask about things yourself. Preserve your honesty and character by asking questions yourself that may embarrass or concern you rather than rely on friends.

At least... these are my thoughts regarding the whole "asking for a friend" thing. You are free to react any way you see fit. Or let me ask...

How do you feel about "asking for a friend" about certain things?

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