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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Staying Level Despite Rough Times

John B. Marine | July 16, 2020 |
I understand; I get it. The year 2020 has been miserable. Most people just want the year to change so everyone can start fresh. I get that. Sadly, life doesn't allow you to freely change or advance time in order to feel fresh again. As a sports fan, even I know you can not just advance time if you are losing or trailing in an event. You don't have a Mercy Rule (like in Little League baseball or softball) whereas the game ends when a team is ahead by a significant margin. Life is just not made that way. So to offer some thoughts on how you can keep your head level even in the worst of times, I have prepared the following blog post. I may not have the advice you need for your specific situation, but I will do what I can to offer general advice for general issues.

Staying Level Despite Rough Times

A lot of what goes on in the world is not of your doing. A lot of other things in the world are not under your control. So when times are rough, we all have to adapt and adjust. What has been considered normal prior to the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic has changed. As the world seemed to have shut down and enter lockdown, the trickle-down impacts have vastly impacted our lives. Many of us have had to work from home or even stay home unless going out for essential goods (like groceries) or visiting medical facilities. The world as we know it has changed.

Some people disgruntled with these changes in our lives feel like wanting to have this year end and go to the next one. That is impossible, though. Some bad experiences could not end any sooner for those who are suffering. No matter what all happens, time ticks away, waiting for no one and for nothing. That is just how life is.

Keeping Good Faith in Tough Times.

I have had experiences where everything was so wrong for me that I wish I could just go to sleep and pretend a certain day didn't happen. These include bad days in school and college, being unhappy in family gatherings, poor experiences outside the house, even financial woes from my parents, and things of that nature. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. The most important thing you can do is learn to remain positive and hopeful. Most people, though, don't know how to remain hopeful or believe being hopeful will never happen. Life becomes unbearable when you feel there is no reason at all to be happy. If you struggle with depression, it will only make trying to remain level-headed tougher.

Here are a few concepts to consider if you are feeling down:

• Take a break!
If you are just feeling all out of whack, something to do first and foremost is to simply take a break from everything. Give yourself a chance to rest. You are only stressing yourself if you continue to work along a path where there seems to be no relief in sight. Unless you have to keep working, try to take a break from it all.

• Block out all negatives, if you can.
If you can, try to avoid being drawn into constant negative things in your life or outside of your zone. That may mean not watching news, avoid seeing negative social media content, and things of that nature. You are already hurting in this sense. Having more negative piled onto an already negative mindset will only make things worse. So give yourself a chance to stay away from anything negative. Let this be an opportunity to think about how to improve your life in your current state rather than be mired deep into your own woes.

• Evaluate, and then adjust.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to evaluate the current situation and try to find new ways to feel better about yourself and life. It may be easy or difficult the adjustments you feel you need to make.

• Share your issues with others.
You are not weak if you share your issues with others. You are not a failure if you can not learn to handle business on your own. You are not a failure if you break down and cry and wallow over your problems. You need help, and whatever it takes to get that help is vastly appreciated. You are not a machine designed to take loads of pain. At times, you need to show your human side and try to gain assistance when you can. If you are all you have to share issues in your life, then you will need to learn to see the positive and think about what options for hope you may have. Even taking to social media to ask for help doesn't make you any failure or weakling. It is best you release your inner pain instead of letting pain bottle up inside you and rotting you internally. Remember- people DO care.

• Remain hopeful.
If you keep thinking about what all negative may happen, the chances negative will actually happen will come true. You must always work to achieve a positive outcome. You must always try to think about how things can get better even when the worst eventually happens. It begins with instilling confidence in yourself and your abilities. What happens afterwards depends on fortune and luck. If things work out eventually for you, that is great. If things get worse, keep trying to keep yourself hopeful. There is only so much you can do. All that can be done is for you to hope for the best.

• Seek other healing methods.
What you can do is look for different ways to feel better when you are down. Remember that tough times and changes to "normal" mean you may need to try new things to help feel better. You may want to look at different hobbies that may interest you. Try new books, new movies, new games, or anything like that. You may also consider exercise to try to boost your spirits. You have to keep yourself active to relax your mind. If you have pets, it is also possible your pet may encourage you to be as active as your pet. For example, a playful cat or dog may have more energy than you do. So you can use your pet(s)' energy to help give you energy to feel better. Use whatever means necessary to try to get through certain rough times. If one method of recovery isn't working, try other methods to give yourself the best chance and hope.

I will try to offer Final Thoughts now on this somewhat tough topic.

Staying Level Despite Rough Times: Final Thoughts

Whether the rough times you face are of your doing, of someone else's doing, or anything outside of your control; what is most important is to try to keep yourself level. It helps to have some kind of system or method to try to feel better when you are down. All of us have to learn to get used to suffering. Despite suffering, we still need to remember that life is a beautiful thing and should be embraced lovingly. For each negative, there is at least one positive thing to keep in mind. We can not keep looking at life as if we are living to die instead of living to live. All of our complaining about how much a certain time frame has been horrible will do almost nothing to make things better. For all moments of pain, we have to find some way to bring happiness and hope into our lives and in the lives of others. Most problems will not go away overnight. Just as much as we have to be in for the long haul with anything we want, we have to be able to take pain and try to become stronger from it. Two important things we all need in these times are self-confidence and hope. Self-confidence helps build hope, especially when we are confident in our own abilities and spirit. No one gets ahead in life without any sort of energy. So while the world may be ailing, you must try to do everything you can to keep yourself level through the toughest times. You can only control what you can control. Every other external factor(s) can only play themselves out however they eventually play themselves out.

Most of all, I want all of you to stay safe. No one said life is easy and that everything will heal themselves. Think about all positive can come out of the worst of times. Do not do what some people have done in trying to deal with the pandemic- commit suicide or hurt yourself and/or others. Have patience and try to keep as healthy a mindset as you can have. We are all facing many, if not all, of the same battles you may be facing. We all can work together to try to defeat any rough times currently happening in our world and society. The sun will shine again even in your times of darkness or rain. Just remember to keep hope alive and always consider having positive and/or favorable outcomes from all of life's issues.

Overall, you have to be tougher than whatever tough times come your way. There is no real answer as to how to get through most problems. You will mostly be on your own in this regard. Anyhow, I hope you found this blog post useful. I do what I can to offer some sort of hope in a seemingly hopeless world. Be sure to read my other blog posts on various topics for more assistance if you need assistance. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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