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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Peer Pressure

John B. Marine | April 28, 2019 | | | |
Peer pressure is about other people trying to push you into doing things you otherwise do not want to do. It involves doing things to try to please others at the expense of embarrassing yourself or putting your health in jeopardy. Is it worth stressing yourself to try to appease to certain individuals? It mostly depends on the issue at hand and the challenge to try to complete. Peer pressure usually involves trying to do things so you can be better judged by people. This post

Sometimes when I think of peer pressure, I think of some Twitch stream chats. A streamer may sometimes ask for advice when playing a game. Someone may end up suggesting something completely weak or try to make a game harder than it actually is (or harder than it should be). Surely people have the obligation to try to appeal to as many people as possible. However, one can never please everyone. In some peoples' minds, not doing something right or not doing something to a level someone wants something to be done makes one person a failure. If you try to please everyone, you have already failed. Not everyone is going to enjoy you and your work. You wish you could have more people love you and your work; but like anything in life, you will have your fair share of people think poorly of you no matter how much you try to please as many people as possible.

Some examples of peer pressure feature dangerous or damaging acts to be committed. You may be pressured by peers to do something like damage property, pull a prank, or do something you don't believe in or want to do. If you do not accomplish these tasks, people will think of you less and regard you less than who you really are. As an example, let's say you were pressured by peers to smoke cigarettes or cigars. Or maybe you are pressured into chugging alcoholic beverages. You feel you have to accomplish these tasks so you would be properly respected by certain individuals. Failing to meet demands makes you feel like you failed certain peers. So the thought of peer pressure means you HAVE to do certain things in order to win the respect of certain people. This is no fact that you do things based on what YOUR interests and thoughts are as opposed to trying to please certain peers. Also, let's pretend you accomplished peer pressure tasks like smoking or drinking too much alcohol. You end up risking your own health trying to make certain people happy. Are you sure you want that kind of peer pressure in your life?

What makes peer pressure so stressing an issue is the feeling you are under constant pressure to perform well among those around you. Others would feel disappointed about you or would think of you in ways opposite of how you really are. You would feel disappointed if you feel you failed to impress certain individuals you want to impress most. This would especially be true if this was someone intimate to you- namely your family members or a loved one. On the other hand, what if those individuals you tried to impress most were students in your class, people you work with, or fans of yours in live streaming? The one thing you would have to concentrate on is who or what exactly are you trying to accomplish in performing any sort of act. Are you trying to appeal to a greater audience, or are you trying to simply do what you can no matter what anyone thinks? Peer pressure says you have an obligation to please everyone because you want people to think positively of you. If you don't have such peer pressure, then you are doing whatever you can with little or no interest in meeting certain peoples' needs or wishes.

Final Thoughts.

Before you try to do anything to anyone or with anyone, consider who all you are trying to impress. You don't have to please everyone, and not everyone will love you or your work. You shouldn't have to do anything opposite of your personality or beliefs just to appease certain individuals. Peers should have to acknowledge and recognize everyone is different. It is not possible to convert everyone to be "like everyone else." Don't mold yourself to meet someone else's standards. You know who you are what you are capable of- why let somebody else define you? You can not please everyone; and even if you tried, you will still have your fair share of critics. So it is best to just be yourself and not let anyone else judge you unfairly. Just remember who is more important in your life and what matters more to you than what society wants you to be.

That's it! You made it through another "John's Life Space" post! Care to discuss this topic?

How do you deal with peer pressure? Have you experienced any moments of peer pressure? If so, what did you have to do and how did you fare with peer pressure?

Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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